Chapter 16

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Peeta's POV:

I open the door of my home and discover the quietness. "Katniss?" I quietly ask. She probably went into the woods. I slip my boots off and hang my coat on the rack. I can go work on the piece of artwork.

I walk towards my art room and notice at the end of the corridor that the door to my art room was widely ajar. I raise my eyebrow in confusion. I kept it a little bit open when I was last in here. I quietly and sneakily head towards the door. I poke my head out from the side of the door frame and I see her. My one and only Katniss Everdeen admiring my artwork.

"Like what you see?" I ask. Katniss gasps and looks up at me.

She sighs with relief. "It's just you," she smiles and walks to me before continuing. "and yes I love what I see." I noticed she emphasized on the love.

"Thats good. Well it looks like I can't work on anything. You'll want me to spend time with you."

"Wait." Katniss runs to the easel in the middle of the room. She carefully takes the cloth covered canvas in her hands and leans it against the wall. She then runs to one of the blank ones and picks it up. I gaze at her movement as she positions a new canvas on the easel. "Teach me." She instructs me while facing me.

"Well you see, I have a problem. A little something happened with a specific someone a few days ago." I confess as I start slowly moving to her. " and I don't want that happening again. So, Katniss Everdeen, will you not waste my paint on my sexy body?"

"I can't accept that, I probably will because you're so attractive." Katniss murmurs in my ear as she traces my chest with her index finger.

"I can't trust you then." I smirk at her before kissing the tip of her nose. "Of course I will." I reply with a smile and Katniss speeds up to the stool and sits down. I walk up to her and stand behind her. "What would you like to paint?"

"A dandelion."

"Okay." I get my array of paints and get a paintbrush. I wet the tip of the brush in a glass of water before placing it in her hand.

I wrap my hand on top hers and she starts painting. Even though I actually am since I'm moving the brush. Katniss seems to watch my hand as I move it around the canvas, changing it from blank to colorful.

She enjoys it and so do I.

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