Chapter 27

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Katniss' POV:

Peeta wheels me to the main reception. Minutes into the 'ride' we enter the blank elevator. When Peeta presses the ground floor button the door closes us from the activity on the hospital floor, Peeta kneels down beside me. I turn my head to face him.

"You okay?" He asks me.

"I'm fine Peeta." I smile sweetly at him and he returns it with a smile. He kisses my cheek and stands up again.

A loud ping noise erupts in my ear drums and the doors open to a busy floor. From the second we got out of the elevator, we were quiet.

Patients and visitors gazed at the sight of me and Peeta as I wheeled past them. To hide their glances I look at my knees. Oh no! Capitol reporters will be outside. Peeta stops me and I realise we are at the front desk.

"Hello there." Peeta greets the receptionist.

"Hello Mr Mellark." Everyone knows who we are, even kids that just entered the only school in the district.

"Just sign these papers please." The woman hands Peeta a pen and clipboard. Peeta signs them quickly and hands them back. I turn my head towards the entrance and can just see the sea of reporters eagerly waiting for us.

"Peeta?" I say as I yank on his shirt.


"We're going to have fun getting back home." Peeta looks up and towards the people. Peeta sighs.

"We'll get through it."

"Would Miss Mellark like crutches to get around?" Peeta nods and the woman leaves the desk. People call me a Mellark due to the trick Peeta played at the quell games over a year ago. Everyone believes it but close family and friends.

The woman comes back minutes with a pair of crutches. Peeta helps me stand up from the wheelchair and I slip my arms through the holes and grab onto the holders.

"Thank you." Peeta and I both say before we turn to head outside. Peeta places a hand on my back and walks at the pace I move at.

"Take it easy and go as slow as you need to." Peeta tells me and I nod.

As soon as the doors open we are bombarded with flashing lights and loud voices. "Katniss! Katniss what happened?" "Peeta! What are you planning to do in the future?" The two of many questions that were wanting to be answered.

"Excuse me." Peeta asked as loud and politely as he could. I kept my head dipped and watched my moves.

"There's a ring!!" Someone exclaimed, they must have noticed. Then more questions began to arise.

"When's the big day?" "How did he propose?" Inside my rage builds up and Peeta seemed to notice. He moved closer to me.

"It's okay." he quietly reassures me before nearly yelling for people to get out of the way. 10 minutes pass and people start giving up and leave us alone, to walk back to the Victors Village as a couple.

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