Chapter 36

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Peeta's POV:

She said yes. She said yes!!! I am marrying my true love. The one I have loved for 14 years straight. "I can't believe it myself." I state.

"Can't believe what?"

"That my Katniss Everdeen said yes." I answer her, stroking Katniss' cheek. Katniss smiles and places her left hand on my neck.

"Oh Peeta, that was a lovely way of proposing to me." She confesses.

"That's good. I've been stressing about it all week."

"Stressing? Peeta, you didn't need to put so much effort into it. Just the simple question in the meadow would have been magical." I sigh and Katniss kisses me on my cheek.

I pick her up and hold her legs before walking outside and into the warm air of autumn. I take her to a clearing, not far away from the lake, where the trees make a circle around fallen leaves on the hidden ground. I stand her up in the middle of the circle and place my hands in her waist.

I start spinning in a circle, Katniss in tow. Katniss positions her arms spread out behind her and leans her head back as I spin. She close her eyes before exclaiming to the world, "I'm going to be a Mellark!"

In my mind, I'm screaming for joy. I'm getting married. I can see Katniss is happy too. I start to slow my spinning and pull Katniss closer to me. Once I stop swirling, I wrap my arms around her body.

Due to the spinning, I fall over and onto the leaves with her. We both chuckle and stare into each others eyes.

"You're so beautiful." I murmur, admiring her beauty.

"You're so handsome." She adds before I kiss her. She makes it deeper but it doesn't last long.

When our lips separate she asks me, "The prosthetic?" Referring to the reason of the fall.

"Yeah, sadly." I reply. "Oh well." I turn onto my side and carefully lay Katniss down. My head, still processing the fact I'm getting married.

"Are you engaged to me real or not real?" I ask and Katniss smirks. For some reason I will not discover.

"Real Peeta." I give her a peck on her lips before I hug Katniss, while lying down. "You don't know how much I love you right now." I murmur into her ear.

Katniss gives out a slight chuckle before replying. "I guess I'm on the same train as you."

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