Chapter 37

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Katniss' POV:

I kiss Peeta before we both stand up in the pile of autumn leaves. I entwine my fingers in his and we smile at each other before we walk out of the woods and into the town of District 12.

12 has turned back into its old self but has had a facelift. No one is starving anymore, everyone in good homes and are proud and happy to live in the district. I love the new 12, the past version brings back so much unwanted memories.

We are walking through the main part of town when a man comes running up to us. "I'm sorry to interrupt your stroll Katniss and Peeta but may I ask you something?" he asks out of breath.

Peeta and I glance at each other before Peeta replies, "Yes, go ahead sir."

Once he catches his breath he asks us, "My wife had my child a couple of days ago and it would be memorable and such a pleasure if you could come see her and the baby?"

Wait what? Why isn't he with her? "It would be an honor to see them sir." Peeta answers.

"We would love to." I add with a kind smile.

"Okay. Follow me please." We start following him towards the district hospital.

"Sorry if this ruins your day." Peeta murmurs into my ear.

"No it's fine. I'm totally okay with it." I whisper back. Soon we are approaching the hospital the man interrupts the silence.

"Oh and call me Simon." We both nod when he turns to us and Simon then walks into the hospital. It is a bit awkward but I'm 75% okay with it. After going up a few levels and down a hallway, Simon stops next to a closed room and turns to us. "Just stay here I'll gesture you in." he instructs and slowly opens the door. I give Peeta a quick peck on the lips and I separate our fingers.

"Hey Grace," Simon greets possibly his wife. "Guess who I brought?" He continues half in the doorway.

"Don't tell me it's your mother Simon." Grace answers.

"No, better." Simon then turns to us and gestures us in. We walk in through the door and smile.

Grace seems a very tired woman, a little weak as well but she seems to be a lovely lady. It makes sense she is weak, she recently had a child. Grace has a bunch of white blankets in her arms, probably holding their child.

Grace's eyes light up when she sees us. "Oh my gosh!" she quietly exclaims.

"Hello there." Peeta and I both say and we walk up to the hospital bed.

"Oh Simon!" Grace gives Simon a kiss before Simon speaks.

"They came to see you." Grace smiles at Simon then us.

"We'll thank you. You have made my day." Grace looks at Simon and Simon nods. "Would you like to hold her?" Grace asks me. So they had a girl.

"It would be a pleasure to." I stand next to Grace and she carefully places their baby girl into my arms. I gaze at her. Grey seam eyes and midnight black hair. "She's so pretty. What's her name?" I ask looking at the new parents.

"Millie." Grace replies.

"What a sweet name." I comment and Peeta stands next to me. I smile, she is such a beautiful baby.

"You can hold her as well." I look up and realise they're speaking to Peeta. I turn to Peeta.

"You want to?" Peeta nods and I carefully transfer Millie into Peeta's arms. His bright blue eyes seem to brighten up even more when he admires Millie.

"As Katniss said, she's beautiful." Peeta says and I stroke his arm.

"Do you have the camera Simon?"

"Yes I do Grace." Simon replies and must pull out a camera. Mille gurgles and goes a tiny laugh before starting to jiggle around in Peeta's arms. Peeta looks at Millie then me.

"Identical eyes." He states and I chuckle.

"Can I take a picture?" Peeta and I nod at Simon and we smile with Millie as he takes a memorable picture. "Do you mind if you have another one with Grace?"

"No it's fine." Peeta replies and we place Millie back into her mothers arms. Peeta wraps an arm around me as we lean over slightly, next to Grace and again smile at the camera Simon is holding.

"Thank you." Grace and Simon thank us after the photo was taken.

"No problem. We should probably leave you three." I say and Peeta and I head to the door.
"Thank you so much again." Peeta and I nod.

"It was lovely meeting you. You two have a lovely girl." I say on behalf of Peeta and I and we wave before exiting and leave the new family with smiles on their faces.

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