Chapter 31

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Katniss' POV:

I decided to get outside. The air inside the kitchen was wanting to suffocate me. Once I sit outside on the grass I can think.

Okay. That's the first time he has asked that. I'm not ready. I could be but I choose not to be. I start pulling out the grass from in front of me. Ugh. Maybe that no was to harsh.

Silent tears start painting a line down my face. I think that was too harsh. I stop pulling the grass and bury my head in my hands.

"What did I do?" I mutter to myself. "That was a wrong way of saying no. Especially being his first time asking."

I look down at my stomach and place a free hand on. I take it off seconds later and I burst into tears. Peeta wants kids and I have told him no. I'm so stupid.

"Katniss?" I hear Peeta ask and listen to his footsteps make their way to me. Peeta sits beside me and places a hand on my knee.

"How can you love me Peeta?"


"You can't possibly love me now. You have always wanted kids, you told me that, but I have said no to you."

"Oh Katniss." My cries get louder and Peeta pulls me in for a hug. "I will always love you Katniss. Even if we decide not to have children. If we do, as I said, I will forever love you. Nothing will change that." I nod understanding. Peeta kisses me on the head.

"I'm not ready yet. I let hundreds of children be killed because of me." I state to him.

"Katniss. It wasn't because of you. Snow and Coin did it. It wasn't your fault."

"It was. I was the mockingjay the reason why they were killing people." I retort.

"Let's just drop the past. We don't need to worry about that anymore." Peeta suggests. He manages to place one of his hands on my stomach. I start to get a little bit uncomfortable with the gesture, just like when I did the same, but I try to look like I'm okay. I look down at his hand and bite my lip. Peeta must notice my appearance as he takes his hand off. "Sorry." He murmurs. I don't reply but I stop my crying.

"If we do though, I want little Katniss' running around." Peeta says with a smile.

"No, I would like little Peeta's around." I say with a chuckle.

"Just not yet." I say before I look at my flat stomach that could be called a first home to our possible future children.

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