Chapter 32

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Katniss' POV:

Peeta woke me up just as the sun was rising 3 months later. "Hey beautiful." Peeta greets me.

"Hey." I reply with a smile.

"Get changed quickly I want to show you something." I nod and sit up and stretch. Peeta simply gets out of bed and exits the room. I wonder....

As I search through my cupboard, my eyes lead me to the end of the rail. A olive green and cream dress hangs there. Smart but casual. Perfect. I carefully slip it off the hanger and get myself into it.

I head into the bathroom and fix up my hair. Soon, I walk out after putting flats on my feet. I leave the bed in the state it's in and open the curtains to reveal a bright morning. I smile and head downstairs.

"Peeta?" I search for him in the living room. Not there. Kitchen? Nothing but a note addressed to me.
I open the card and it's from Peeta. It reads:

Hey Katniss,
Come to the meadow. I'll be there.
Peeta ❤

"Okay." I shrug my shoulders and exit at the back door. I close the door and make my way to the gate that connects to our fence that lines our area. I shut the white wood gate and start my stroll towards the meadow.

I lift my hand and look at my promise ring. What a wonderful gift. I lift my head to look straight in front of me. I squint my eyes and can make him out on the horizon.

I start running. I am eager to get to him. As I get closer, I strive to get faster. Once I'm metres away from him I prepare to jump in his arms. I attach my body to his and hug him, taking in his scent.

"Took you a while."

"Oh shut up Peeta. At least I got here." I say with a little laugh.

Our fingers entwine and Peeta leads me into the meadow. But soon, we get on the edge of the meadow and enter the woods tree line.

"Peeta?" Peeta stops me and moves out of the way. I gasp when I see a swing. I can tell that simple swing was made by the one and only Peeta.

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