Chapter 20

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Peeta's POV:

"Kat, baby. I love you. Stay with me." I plead as I see my Katniss being strapped to a stretcher. By now I'm balling my eyes out.

Soon her eyes start closing and I hear a long screeching sound and look at the heart rate monitor.

It's a flat line.

"No Katniss! No!!!" I scream. The paramedics turn to me and run to Katniss. They shove me out of the way.

"No! I need her! Katniss don't leave me!" I might have to face the fact that she's dead. I'll never see her alive again.

Our engagement will never take place.

As I told her, I'll be broken without her.

Seconds later I see one of the paramedics unstrapping the straps and then stripping apart the top of Katniss' shirt.

They are going to give her a shock. I start violently shaking.

No, no. This is a dream. It's not real.

I see another paramedic handling the paddles that will hopefully revive her.

Oh gosh it is! It is real.

From the view I can see I can make out the paddles being placed on both sides of her chest.

The 3rd paramedic presses a button and Katniss' top half of her body jolt high up as the shock is registered throughout her body.

Katniss' limp body lands back on the stretcher in a thud.

Please be alive Katniss.

Soon I hear a normal beating sound on the heart monitor and I take a big sigh of relief. One of the paramedics turns to face me.

"Her heart is working now but she's unconscious." My mouth hangs open and I sit down on the provided seats.

"Can I lie down I feel a bit light headed." They soon register that I'm going I faint. 2 of the medics rush over to me and help me slowly lie down.

"It's okay. She'll be okay." They repeat to me before I slowly black out.

The One and Only Real (Everlark - After Mockingjay)Where stories live. Discover now