Chapter 9

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Peeta's POV:

Katniss returned home this afternoon. She had to stay a couple of days just to make sure she was okay. She cleared all the tests she had to have done and needs to be careful of her shoulder.

Now, it's late and I help Katniss get comfortable in the bed.

"Do you want to be on your left side since leaning on your right would hurt?" I ask her as she sits on the bed.

"Yes okay." She replies before lying down and I help her turn on her side.

"You comfortable?" Katniss nods at me and we smile at each other.

I kiss her forehead before standing up and switching the light off. I open up the window just an inch and climb into the bed beside her. I face her back and wrap my right arm carefully around her body. I smile before after a while, I fall asleep. Finally, after a few days of torture.

I am in a small dark room. There is nothing here but a small, dim light hanging from the ceiling.

I decide to follow the rays of light and make my way to the floor. I am interrupted by the sight of Katniss in front of me. Staring at me in fear.

"Katniss?" I ask her but she doesn't reply. Instead she collapses to the ground.

"Katniss!" I scream and crawl over to her. Once I reach her, I hold her hands and examine her. Blood is producing a puddle next to her shoulder.

"Katniss! Katniss! Stay with me! Please stay with me!" I scream at her but get no response but a stare from her.

I get one last glimpse of her grey eyes before they shut.

"No! Katniss! I need you." Tears start pouring down my face like a waterfall. I hear an evil chuckle and look up to see Snow above me.

"Happy now?" He asks me but I don't respond. I just lost the love of my life.

"You're dead."

"So will you." Snow says before he quickly lowers the dagger in his hand.

"Katniss!" I exclaim as I sit up, shaking. I look over to my left and see Katniss sitting up.

"Peeta, its okay. I'm okay. It wasn't real." She starts strokes my back as I bend my knees and start sobbing into them.

"You died."

"I would never leave you Peeta." She reassures me and I start repeating a sentence to myself,

"It wasn't real."

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