Chapter 35

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Katniss' POV:

I try to compose myself but it was no use. So much emotion and actions were going on.

"Katniss. You know I have loved you since I was 5. That moment I saw you with your two braids I knew I wanted you to be mine. Giving you that bread I know helped you and I am very glad of my actions." I burst into sobs, while Peeta continues. "Even though the major error that occurred in our lives due to the games and revolution drove us together. We became a pair. I felt then our love was a bulletproof vest, it couldn't be destroyed but it was. The hijacking and the war separated us but the revolution was over and we slowly grew back together and we still are."

"Oh Peeta-" I am butted by Peeta who wants to finish his 'speech'.

"Our love is still growing after 1 and a 1/2 years of a proper relationship and I want that to continue forever so. Katniss Lauren Everdeen?"

"Yes Peeta?" Peeta takes my right hand in his left as I reply.

"Will you marry me, real or not real?" I try to smile and pause for affect.

"Real. 100% real." I reply. I am now going to soon be a Mellark.

Peeta then gives me a beaming smile and I know that my answer I just told him has given him a chance at a happy life after such destruction. Peeta takes of my promise ring and replaces it with an engagement ring that looks so similar.

He stands up in front of me and places the other ring in his jean pocket. "You better be keeping that." I say and engulf him with a hug which he happily accepts. I close my eyes and continue to cry into his shoulder.

I think of the possibilities we could have a family, a life. My life might not have been perfect till now, but with Peeta by my side as my husband it will be. My lost boy with the bread has slowly been coming back to me, a day at a time and I think he is back. Peeta lifts his head up from my shoulder and I do so as well.. I show him my big grin. I can't even explain to myself how happy I am.

I give him a big kiss on his lips which he takes by surprise but returns with a deeper one on my lips. "I love you Katniss Everdeen. Forever and always."

"That's good to hear." I reply with a small chuckle.

"What? You think that was funny?" Peeta asks, pretending to be a bit offended.

"No, no. Not at all." I smile at him and I am able to not continue giggling.

"Good." Once we finish our conversation I place my hands on his cheeks.

"You actually did it." I exclaim.

"I did Katniss, I did." I kiss him again before glancing back at canvas.

I lower my hand from his cheek and gaze at the new ring on my finger. In the middle is the pearl Peeta gave me and 4 diamonds surround it. (A/N:Photo can be seen on this chapter page on a laptop/computer)

"It's beautiful." I say in awe. Peeta smiles and wraps his arms around my waist. I connect my arms together behind his neck, still with a smile. We place our foreheads on each others and gaze into each others eyes for who knows how long.

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