Chapter 4

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* Katniss' POV: *

"Always." Peeta tells me before he starts to shake.

"Peeta?" I place one of my hands on his shoulder. I thought it would calm him down but it makes him start sobbing.

Soon, my boy with the bread has broken down, completely in tears. "Hey, come here." I tell Peeta and, still not looking at me, he crawls to be beside me. I start rubbing circles on his back and he clutches onto his shirt. I try to calm him down, but I can't.

I can't help my innocent Peeta. He didn't deserve to be tortured and have these flashbacks become scars for life.

My thought of the past passes by quickly and Peeta positions himself so he can lie his head on my lap.

I stroke his arm and place my other hand in his blonde hair. Now and then Peeta tenses for a few seconds and I try my hardest to calm him down.

"Shh. It's okay Peeta. It wasn't real." I repeatedly murmur to him as I stroke him. Peeta sobs stop but the tears continue to flow and he continues to shake.

Half an hour goes by and he hasn't calmed down.

He soon gets his head off my lap and lies down with his back to the floor and his eyes closed. I continue to comfort and try to calm him. I am soon to give up all my hope of him stopping his recovery when the shaking slowly stops and he questions me.

"D-Did I hurt you? Real or not Real?"

I hesitate, not wanting him to apologize for nothing he meant to do. I silently take a breath before replying. "Real." Peeta opens his eyes to look and me and gasps. He quickly sits up and looks at my red and swelling cheek.

"Oh Katniss! I'm so sorry! You should have stayed away. What have I done!? I'm sorry."

"Shh. Stop it. You didn't do it on purpose. I'm fine, it's just a little swell. It'll be gone soon. Might leave a slight bruise but I'll be okay."

"But Katniss -" Peeta retorts.

"No! I'm fine." I knew what Peeta was going to say so I cut him short before I place my lips on his. I pull away and Peeta sadly smiles at me. He leans closer to me and lightly kisses my swelling cheek. I flinch but the pain reduces quickly.

Peeta stands up and grabs the broom to sweep up the broken glass shards. I soon join him by picking up and putting away the pots and pans he threw.

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