Chapter 43

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(AN: This story is coming to an end. Don't worry, planning a sequel)

Katniss' POV:

I slowly but quickly make my way into town. The day I'll turn to a Mellark is now only a month away and I'm so excited but nervous. We sent out the invites a week ago, Haymitch and Effie will hopefully be coming along with what's left of our prep teams and friends from the district and any remaining victors.

I wrap my warm coat around my body tighter as a cool wind hits. Today, I am finding my dress I will wear on the happiest day of my life. But sadly, I'm choosing alone. Not even Haymitch to help me but that's okay. I won't have to argue if one dress is better than another with Effie. I chuckle at my thought and near closer to the dress store.

Soon, seeing it in the distance makes me feel nervous. What if I can't find the right dress? What if Peeta doesn't like it? I bite my lip and take a deep breath. I exhale and then walk up the 3 brick steps up to the door of the store.

I glance inside through the glass. Heaps of white fabrics hung around the room. Heaps of choice.
I open the door and a small bell chimes above me. I look up to spot it and them make my way in, closing the door behind me. I glance around the room, it's very quiet. Me being the only customer.

A woman standing behind the counter looks up and spots me. "Miss Katniss! What a pleasant surprise." She walks around the counter and comes to greet me. I dip my head with a smile in greeting.  "Will you be needing any assistance?" She asks me and I shake my head.

"I'll be fine for the time being thank you." I say before walking into the maze of dress rows. I start browsing.

Stopping to feel the smooth and thin or rough and thick materials. I occasionally look up to examine the dresses on the models before continuing on the racks. 10 minutes feels like forever and I haven't chosen one to try on.

"Miss, you seem to be having some trouble." I slightly blush before looking at her.

"Sadly yes I am. There are so many lovely dresses and I can't pick which one would fill my boxes." I reply back, a bit embarrassed.

"Let me help." She suggests coming to me. "Any preferences?"

"I would like to have a simple dress with light fabric. I don't really know besides that."

"Okay, let see... follow me." She says and I follow her into an aisle I haven't checked out yet. "This aisle might help you."

"Thank you." I smile before looking through them again. After a couple of minutes browsing a light hits my eyes. I look up to find the source and see a dress twinkling in the sun light.

I curiously walk over to it and examine it closely. "I can get that dress it from the back if you want to try it."

"That would be nice thank you." After my words form and dance on my lips she walks out into another room. I sit down on one of the seats and wait for her to return.

She quickly returns with the dress lying on her arms. "Here." She says, handing the dress to me. I place it in my arms. "You can get changed there." The woman points to a curtain which lies a small room. I walk in and close the curtain behind me.

I slip out of some of my clothes and slowly replace them with the dress. I walk out and see the woman standing there. "Do you mind buttoning it up for me?" I ask and she nods. Buttoning up and making the dress lie securely on my body.

I turn towards the mirror behind me and look at my appearance. I run my fingers through the dress material. Thin and soft. Just what I want. I turn to look at the back and I notice the skirt flies before meeting my legs again. Light weight. Check.

I turn back around and gaze at the top. Sleeveless and perfect for the meadow. I smile at my reflection in the mirror. "Perfect." I say before looking and turning to the woman.

"Stunning miss." The woman compliments.

"May I get this then please?" I say with a big grin on my face.

I found it.

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