Chapter 49

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Peeta's POV:

I stand anxiously under a open patch from the willow tree in the meadow. Where Katniss and I are to become one. United.  I've been waiting and hoping this day would come for 15 years now and it's finally happening. I start tapping my foot impatiently. I want to see my bride.

"Well someone is impatient." Johanna comments. I turn to her, in a green dress. It's the first time and probably the last.

"Why should I be patient?" I say with a smile. I turn back and the guests start rising from their seats laid out. She's here.

I keep my eye on the horizon. First I see Annie walk down the aisle with Fin grasping onto her hand. As they approach the front, they turn and stand close to me.

I look up again and see Haymitch slowly walking and I make out an arm. Her. I place a proud smile on my face as I see my bride. My mouth slightly drops at the sight of her.

Diamonds line the top of her pearl white sleeveless gown. The skirt flowing behind her. Her eyes go from her bouquet to me.

For a few seconds she gazes into my eyes before turning to Haymitch as he whispers something to her. When Haymitch finishes she fixes her eyes on me and mine at her. We look at each other for the whole time we are to both be single.

Soon Katniss is beside me. "Stay alive sweetheart." Haymitch says and we both quietly laugh. Johanna takes Katniss' bouquet into her grasp and Haymitch places her hand in mine.

"We are gathered here today to join these 2 people as a married couple." The first sentence is spoken by 12's only wedding speaker and I  end up zoning out. Too mesmerised by Katniss' beauty. Her hair falling in loose curls and slightly being blown by the spring breeze. Katniss seems to also zone out and take in the sight of me.

I regain focus when the speaker asks us to do our vows. I look at the speaker and he nods slightly gesturing me to go.

"Katniss Lauren Everdeen. You know I have loved you since I was 5. I don't know how many times I have told you. You took my heart the second I noticed you. I know we have had troubled times in the last 5 years. We know it wasn't fun. It was heartbreaking but we made it through together and that's all that matters to me. I'll never be able to tell you how much I love you. On this day I have long awaited for, I give you my heart. My promise that I choose to make is to walk with you. Hand in hand, wherever our journey should seem to leads us. Together, Forever and Always." I smile and see Katniss has tears forming in her eyes.

"Katniss." The speaker states and Katniss says her vow.

"Mine isn't going to be as good." Katniss chuckles before continuing. "I'll never be able to say how much I love you Peeta. I know it's taken me a while t find my actual love for you but I know now that I do. Thank you for the bread. Thank you for the love and memories we have shared so far together. With my whole heart, I take you as my husband, Peeta, acknowledging and accepting your faults and strengths, as you do mine. I promise to be faithful and supportive and to always make our love and happiness my priority. I will be yours in sickness and in health, in failure and in triumph. Forever. That will never change. I will dream with you, celebrate with you and walk beside you through whatever our lives may bring. You are my person that I promise to be by till death. My love and my life, today and always." My own tears are wanting to escape.

"Now for the rings." The speaker gestures to Fin and he brings the small piece of carved wood our rings are on. The speaker hands my the ring I'm giving to Katniss.

"Repeat after me. I, Peeta Joshua Mellark give you Katniss Lauren Everdeen."

"I, Peeta Joshua Mellark give you Katniss Lauren Everdeen." I start repeating.

"Give you this ring as a token on my love. The love I have promised you. The promise I will forever keep."

"Give you this ring as a token on my love. The love I have promised you. The promise I will forever keep." I finish and slip the simple ring onto Katniss' left ring finger.

"Now Katniss. I, Katniss Lauren Everdeen."

"I, Katniss Lauren Everdeen." Katniss repeats, close to tears.

"Give you this ring as a token on my love. The love I have promised you. The promise I will forever keep." The speaker adds and Katniss says.

"Give you this ring as a token on my love. The love I have promised you. The promise I will forever keep." Katniss then slips a band onto my ring finger.

We smile at each other, both of us are about to burst into tears. "I am proud to pronounce you two husband and wife. Mr and Mrs Mellark." Those words I've been waiting for, for so long.

"Peeta, you may kiss the bride." I turn to Katniss. Now my wife.

"If I ask you, will I receive?" I say and Katniss chuckles before I place my lips against hers. People start cheering and clapping but I just keep my lips on her.

When we break apart, Katniss and I start crying in joy. We were married. Katniss and I enveloped each other in a big hug which I never wanted to break.

I was married. To Katniss. After 15 years my dream had come true.

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