Chapter 45

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Katniss' POV:

I hear a door burst open behind me and my head shoots up. Nearly hitting Peeta. I see Peeta slightly scared in his eyes and I know something is wrong. I look into his eyes and see his is trying to be strong.

A clicking sound hits my ears and I realise it's a gun, oh no. I squeeze Peeta's hand before slowly turning my head around. My eyes come to meet a man, all dressed in black with a small handheld gun in his hand. Loaded and pointing at us.

"Stand up. Both of you." the man demands, but we don't.

"STAND UP OR I WILL SHOOT!" The man shouts at us when he realises we aren't standing up. I slowly stand up, still holding Peeta's hand and face the man. Peeta follows my lead, standing behind me and his hand resting on my shoulder.

"She comes with me, no one gets hurt." He explains and Peeta retorts firmly.

"No." I squint my eyes and study the mans eyes. They are grey... Like mine.

"Gale?" I choke out.

"Come with me Catnip or I'll shoot." Peeta quickly makes his way around me and shields me from Gale's gun fire.

"Peeta." I plead, placing a hand on his firm shoulder.

"You'll have to go through me first." Peeta corrects Gale.

Gale evilly laughs. "I've heard that line so many times before and things have always ended up worse." Gale says before positioning the gun to kill Peeta.

"Please! Don't shoot Peeta! Anything but him." I exclaim. I start quietly sobbing into the back of Peeta's shirt.

Through my blurry vision I see my bow and arrow resting under the coffee table. In its usual spot. I slowly, now pretending to sob, bend down to grab it. I return to my position without Gale noticing.

"Got my bow." I murmur into his ear and Peeta realises what I sadly need to do. Kill Gale.

"Just kill me. Shoot me now." Peeta lies to Gale, Gale taking it as a true plead. Gale shrugs and I slowly and quietly load my bow.

"Any last words?" Gale asks Peeta. I'm so scared inside. I'm going to have to be killing him quickly.

"It's a shame you won't hear our vows." Peeta says and I know it's my cue. Peeta moves and I raise my bow. I quickly aim for his heart and let the arrow fly. It enters Gales body but Gale shoots the gun.

Before I can even register, Peeta and I are lying on the ground, missing the bullet's path and Gale falling face forward on the ground.

I hear glass shatter behind me but I turn to Peeta. "You know you had to." Peeta states before it sinks in. I just shot my friend and hunting partner.

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