Chapter 33

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Katniss's POV:

"Oh Peeta." I exclaim with my hands over my mouth.

"You like it?" I nod and look at my gorgeous boyfriend.

"Want the first try?" I nod. I'm too amazed to speak. Peeta walks me to the swing. I place a hand on the rope and examine it. I slowly situate myself on the wooden plank. I see Peeta place his hands on the rope.

"Ready?" He asks, preparing to run.

"As I'll ever be." I say and Peeta starts running in a circle, dragging me behind. I get higher and higher away from the ground and I happily scream.

I see Peeta's hands leave the rope and he leaves me to spin. I place my feet straight out in front of me and feel all the air being forced against me. After getting used to the swinging I close my eyes with a smile and let my hair spread off my back. I laugh with delight. I haven't been on a swing in years, I've forgotten what it feels like.

Slowly, slowly still circling I lower to the ground. I am close to the ground but then I start uncontrollably spinning. It's like I'm a gracefully person twirling on the spot numerous times.

I laugh as I twirl around and around in circles. The world becoming curving lines. I smile as the ride on the swing continues. Even when it slows to a stop I am still with a smile on my face.

Peeta appears above my leaned back head and I stare into his eyes. I smile, showing my teeth before he places his hands on my cheeks. He leans down and I give him a peck on the lips.

"Thank you Peeta."

"For what?"

"Giving me something no other man could ever give. You've given me a reason to live. I love you and will always."

"Okay?" Peeta asks.

I simply reply, "Okay."

There is a little time where nothing happens, not even a bird flying past us. I break that by watching my moves as I climb off. I feel dizzy once I stand. The world becomes sideways unexpectedly and I fall into Peeta's arms.

"Careful Kat." He says before picking me up bridal style.

"You put me on that thing." I say with a smirk. "But I enjoyed it so that's okay." I add before pecking Peeta's lips.

"I've got something else to show you now. Come." Peeta stands me up on the ground and I walk beside him with a big smile.

A bigger surprise? I really do wonder...

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