Chapter 28

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Peeta's POV:

By the time we reach our home in the Victors Village I can see that the walk caused a lot of pain for Katniss. "I'm sorry, I should've gotten the car." We were given a car after the rebellion as a gift. If you can really call ending a rebellion a gift.

"No, it's okay." Katniss replies like normal. I sigh of defeat. I won't ask questions.

I turn back and see that there are a few Capitol journalists hanging by the Victors Village closed gate, trying to get each second of our rare sighting. I turn back and Katniss hands me the crutches before she holds me and I help her up the few stairs to the door.

Once Katniss reaches the top successfully, I dig into my trousers pocket and feel the metal from the door key. I pull it our and unlock the door. I place the crutches inside before picking up Katniss and walking in. Closing the door with my prosthetic foot, I carry Katniss over to the lounge and sit her down on the sofa.

"Want a drink or anything?"

"Water would be nice please." I kiss Katniss' head before leaving her and heading into the kitchen.
I go to one of the many closed shelves above the sink and grab a glass for Katniss. I fill it up with water and walk with it back to Katniss. I place the glass in Katniss' hand. She smiles and thanks me before taking a sip. I sit down next to her and place my hand on her calf. I stroke it with my thumb as she continues to drink.

"Want to go out into the meadow for a while?" Katniss nods, still drinking.

"Don't drink that in one heap." Katniss lowers an empty glass from her mouth and turns to me.

"Just did." She replies with a smirk. I chuckle. Oh Katniss. Katniss leans over and places the cup on the table in front of us.

"Ready to go?" I ask. Katniss nods and prepares herself to stand up. "No, no no. I'll carry you."

"Peeta you don't have to." Katniss retorts and I bend over.

"No, I insist. You have sore feet." I lift her up in my arms as Katniss sighs in defeat. She wraps her arms around my neck and I carry her out of the room.

I make my way out of the house and into our back garden. I walk towards the gate. I manage to open it with Katniss in my arms. I walk out and leave it slightly open.

In a couple of minutes we are in the meadow clearing. Overgrown grass stands tall and the odd small flower is able to be seen. I sit Katniss down on the grass and I lie next to her. She rests her head on my chest and soon falls asleep. I smile before the silence of the surrounding world takes me away into a peaceful sleep.

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