Chapter 48

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Katniss' POV:

I wake up by myself in our bed. I smile feeling so happy. Today is the day. The downer is that Effie separated us. I haven't seem him since last night. Effie says it's bad luck otherwise.

The door bursts open behind me and I turn to see who it is slowly. "Up up Katniss! Today is a very very big day!" Effie exclaims. I sigh and sit up in the bed. Effie comes to stand beside the bed. Her puffy dress nearly hitting me in the face.

"Your prep team is going to be here in an hour to start getting you to look like a wonderful bride." I nod and Effie leaves. I hear her heels click against the wood on the stairs and the door slam shut. I stand up and exit my room to go to breakfast.

I walk into the kitchen and grab an apple. I bite into it as I prepare a sufficient breakfast that will keep me full until the reception, 9 hours from now.

As I eat breakfast at our wooden table, I feel alone. It's all quiet. Normally Peeta is here chatting away to me or doing something productive but he isn't today.

I know that he is only a few houses away but I can't bear to not be with him but it's only for 4 hours. Then I will be saying a promise I will forever keep. I think I can cope with that.

I sigh deeply again as I finish my breakfast, cleaning the couple of dishes I used. Afterwards, I make my way upstairs to freshen up. By the time I actually get out of the bathroom my prep team and Effie are making their way into the house.

"Here we go." I mutter before going down to greet them. I smile and my prep team exclaim my name. All of them envelope me into a hug which makes Effie slightly annoyed.

"Okay now. Chop chop. Katniss has a wedding to be ready for." Effie exclaims and I am ushered into the living room which my prep team has practically changed into a studio.

2 hours seem like forever as they turn me into a completely different Katniss. I chat and catch up with my team members.

"And there we go. Done!" Venia says as she lifts up the powder brush as she finished placing foundation on my cheeks. My prep team stood in front of me and smiled. They must like what they see.

"Don't look until the dress is on." Flavius suggests and I nod.

All 3 of them gasp in horror. "What?" I ask nervously.

"Don't... Move your head so much. It'll mess up our hard work." Venia answers.

"Okay. Sorry." I apologised but inside I'm rolling my eyes. Typical.

"Let's get the dress on!" Effie exclaims and she gestures me upstairs.

I am lead inside my room and my dress is laid out carefully on my bed. I quickly but carefully slip out of my clothes I was wearing and slide on the silky dress.

"Buttons?" I ask and Octavia buttons the dress up. I turn to Effie and my team and they exclaim in awe.

"Wonderful." Effie exclaims. Flavius comes up the me. He places on my veil that flows down to my lower back and sits a tiara, which holds the veil in my free flowing hair.

"I'm going to get Haymitch." Effie says and trots down the stairs.

I slowly turn to the long mirror in the corner of the room and see my reflection. I gasp and smile. I look beautiful even though my scars are still faintly visible.

Times flies my quickly and a sober Haymitch enters the room. I tear my eyes from the glass and turn my head. Haymitch quickly gets tears in his eyes. He smiles and carefully hugs me.

He hands me my bouquet which I made myself. Primroses, rue, lilies, snap dragon and daisies all combined. Prim wanted to be at my wedding, and there she will be.

"It's time! Lets get this show on the road!" Effie shouts from downstairs happily.

Haymitch grabs my hand. "Let's go take you to your groom." I follow him to the meadow and realise my life as Katniss Everdeen is coming to an end.

(Only 2 more chapters left!!!!!)

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