Chapter 44

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Peeta's POV:

I look out the window and see Katniss. I quickly move away and pace the hall. Back and forth and back and forth.

How am I going to tell her? She'll freak out over it. Minutes turn into seconds as Katniss nears our house and I bite my lip. Oh gosh! Oh gosh! I start quietly hyperventilating. Oh no! Oh no!

Soon I hear the door knob creak. I stiffen a little and try to look like nothing happened. Katniss steps half in and looks around.

She spots me and notices the fear on my face that had escaped. "Peeta?" She steps fully in and closes the door.

She ends up just standing there, trying to read me. I walk up to her and wrap my arms around her. I cant help but start crying into her shoulder.

"Peeta? What's wrong?" Katniss asks me but I can't form words right now. I'm worried about our lives.

I sniffle and grab Katniss' hands before leading her into the living room. I sit down on the sofa before Katniss joins me. She leans on me but makes sure she can see my eyes.

"I got a call." I start.

"From who?" Katniss asks me, encouraging me to continue speaking. I sigh and start shaking. Katniss seems to notice and she grabs my hand.

"Gale." I say before I begin crying again, remembering what he told me. Katniss repositions herself and strokes my cheek. I can see in Katniss' face the road I will be taking to tell her.

"Peeta, w - what did he say?" Now Katniss is getting worried. I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out. "Its okay Peeta. You can tell me." she coaxes me, giving me a peck on my wet cheek.

"I answered, he realised it was me. He asked for your number. I said this was it. She asked if I had something to do with you. I told him I was engaged to you -" I gulp. "he started getting angry at me and -" I burst into tears. I leaned on Katniss' shoulder which she accepted and started stroking my back.

I feel weak. So weak. I never cry around Katniss, I think it makes katniss form a different opinion on me. I don't want her to see me as a weakling.

"It's okay. And what?" Katniss asks rubbing circles on my bent back, which started to calm me slightly.

I gulp again, this was the worst part of the call. "He threatened to harm us, especially you. So he can break me." Katniss' rubbing on my back stops immediately but her hands stay there. We were both silent.  I look up at her. Her jaw dropped slightly open. I place her cheeks in my hands and kiss her.

"But I'll make sure that you won't get hurt." I add wiping away stray tears on Katniss' face. She nods before we hug, protecting one another already.

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