Chapter 8

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Katniss' POV:

I soon hear the sound of slow beeping. I open my eyes and I see I am in a white room. I'm in the hospital.

I scan the room and find Peeta's hands grasping my right as he sits in a chair next to my bed. He hasn't noticed I'm awake yet due to his head being dipped.

"Peeta?" I croak and his head almost immediately pops up. He smiles widely and kisses my fingers.

"It's okay, you've just been asleep for a couple of days."

"What happened? While I was out?" I ask him. A tear slips from his eye and he looks blankly at me. I know he doesn't want to tell me.

"Peeta? Please?"

"Your mother..." Peeta trails off.


"she died." I gasp and my heart starts thumping faster. Peeta quickly stands up and cups my cheeks. "Katniss, calm down." But I can't. The heart monitor machine starts beeping wildly.

"Katniss!!!" Peeta exclaims before kissing me full on the lips. My heart rate starts to slow and the kiss becomes deeper. We are interrupted by the sound of nurses and doctors bursting into the room.

"We heard the monitor. Is she okay?" the male doctor asks.

"Yes, just nearly lost her.." Peeta soon bursts into tears as he sits down again. He leans his forehead on the edge of the bed and I stroke his hair.



"Doctor Randolf. What happened to me?"

Doctor Randolf sighs and ushers the nurses out. "When you collapsed, you caused a major blow to your shoulder and you were loosing blood. We put you in an operation which went successfully but your heart stopped for a couple of minutes. We got you back though but telling Peeta was hard. That's the reason why he's upset."

I turn to look at Peeta to see his red eyes and wet cheeks staring at me. "I'm sorry."

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