The Twins

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The twins: a folktale that roamed around the earth.

There was once a woman with such long hair that she could tie every man around her finger with a single strand. Black covered her face and her eyes were only seen by the men she laid beneath. With long strides she covered the earth and met every species of men she could find, not once caring about leaving broken hearts or marriages behind. One rainy day she stood outside naked, her magnificent black hair reaching the ground and soaking in the puddle on the wet pavement.

Headlights reached her fragile body until they came to halt. A man clad in a dark suit climbed out and took her home, providing her with anything she could dream of. This man was the first one she spent multiple days with until one day she fled again, leaving nothing but a single strand of hair behind which she had wrapped around his finger.

Now she was the one to be wrapped around someone. A saying no one but her could understood at that moment. She bared his children, though he never came to know of this. Soon two little boys were born, one with glistening white hair while the other had dull brown locks. Twins.

The woman spent one year of her life caring for them both until she decided that one was not worth of living any more. He was dull, boring, too naïve for his own good. She couldn't believe that child was a product between her and a man she had loved. No, she needed to get rid of him before it was too late and shame was brought down on her.

With the twins in her arms she stepped to the sea shore, setting the blonde down on the sand before bringing the brunette closer to the water. The child, that she had named Taehyung, gurgled happily, seeing the sunny beach and waves washing ashore. The woman felt her happiness grow too with each step she took on the small pier. She could drop him and he would have never existed. She could take Yoongi away from here and he would never remember he ever had a twin brother. She could do all of this so what could stop her?


So she dropped the little brunette into the sea and vanished, leaving one of her sons to die into the deep blue ocean.

This little Taehyung never made it out – but – he also never passed away.

Call it magic, fate or luck but the little boy changed into a creature most people dreamed of. His legs bound together formed his tail and gills formed on the side of his tan neck.

Little Taehyung never forgot the deed his mother did.

And 20 year old Taehyung never forgot the happiness he felt when he heard his mother died a horrible death by a mutant, a terrible death she also promised him but the only difference is: he became the mutant.

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