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Sorry if this turns out to be a confusing chapter. There's a lot of introductions in here.

Yoongi and Jimin reached the beach in a day when the sun hung low in the sky. They were both confused on the ruckus that was happening on the beach that consisted of a raven haired male violently swinging a pointy stick that had a fish on it to another blacked haired male who smiled awkwardly and tried backing away slowly.

Jimin gasped when he noticed the brown hair d creature staring at two bickering men from the ocean, giggling to himself while yelling a name.

"Jungkook! Cut it out! Let the guy explain himself!"

While Jimin was too focused on the merman giggling in the water, Yoongi's brain was trying to work on the two other males on the beach. Taehyung had made acquaintances? How had that happened, he wondered.

The brunette realized he was being stared at and his eyes fell on his brother and a stranger that stood at his side.

"Yoongs!", he yelled, waving at his brother with a big smile, "Come say hi!"

The two boys ran towards the beach, off the steep hill and stopped in front of the other males. Yoongi walked over to the sea shore and waded a bit into the water to reach his brother.

"Tae", he spoke in a hushed whisper, "Who are those two?"

Taehyung smiled at him and glanced at Jungkook who still threateningly glared at an awkward looking Jin.

"Well the angry guy over there is Jungkook", he told his brother, waving at the alpha who frowned and sent a short wave back, "He's a wolfy. Don't tell him I know that. He's trying to hide it".

Yoongi frowned at that but nodded anway.

"And the other guy?"

"He appeared out of nowhere a few minutes before you showed up. No idea who he is. Which remind me, who's the pink head?", Taehyung asked, pointing at the guy that was still staring at him with mesmerized eyes.

"That's Jimin. He speaks bear", Yoongi said casually, "And bunny. Animal in overall. He asked me if he could talk to my fish brother".

Taehyung snorted at that.

"And I think he now realized you're actually half human", the blonde proceeded.

Taehyung sighed and smiled, "Maybe we should save those guys out of their awkward tension. Maybe we should call them over".

"Hey, get here for a sec!", Yoongi yelled, motioning for the others to join them.

The boys shortly glanced at each other and then walked over to the sea shore, stopping in front of Taehyung who tried getting some seaweed off his tail.

"Hi!", he smiled, "So okay, we suddenly got a bunch of people together so let's start with introductions! I'm Taehyung and as you can see I'm a merman. This here is Yoongi, he's my twin brother, and fully human as you all can see. The grumpy raven head with the pointy stick is Jungkook, and apparently the pink head is named Jimin".

Jimin nodded, trying not to stare too much at the brunette and his blue green tail.

"So that leaves us to you", Yoongi said, raising an eyebrow at the unknown guy that had appeared out of nowhere.

"Hi", he smiled, feeling overwhelmed by the stares he was getting, "My name is Jin".

"Why the fuck were you invisible?", Jungkook asked, pointing the stick at Jin's face who gulped slowly.

"I don't know. Why did your eyes flash red when you got angry at me?", the pretty man retorted and the stick in front of his face suddenly dropped. Jungkook mumbled something underneath his breath but kept silent otherwise.

"I can speak animal!", Jimin beamed, jumping up and down, "Just in case you wanted to know".

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows, "I thought you told me you didn't like talking about that?"

The pink head smiled brightly, "That was before I knew your brother is a merman, this guy can get invisible and this dude has red eyes!"

Jungkook clenched his teeth and cursed himself mentally for letting his wolf through.

"So we're all a little weird then", Taehyung smiled, splashing his tail around in the waves, "Except for Yoongs. He's a little grumpy man that brings mutants my way to annoy me".

Yoongi rolled his eyes at his brother's pouty lips and glanced at the others. He noticed Jungkook's gaze going over to Taehyung's lips and a slight blush appearing on his cheeks.

"You hunt mutants?", Jin asked amazed, "That's neat! The only thing I can do is sneak past them. I sometimes confuse them a little bit by playing a ghost".

"I hunt those fuckers too", Jungkook said casually, getting out his pocket knife and twirling it around in his hand, "They get more annoying and uglier every day".

"I help the animals escape from them", Jimin mumbled, "But that's all I can do".

"So we all hate those guys and try to help others to escape them", Yoongi pointed out.

"Are you saying what I think you're saying", Taehyung asked, a big smile forming on his lips.

"Maybe we can-"

But before Yoongi could speak any further, a sudden yell and thud cut through the silence.

Everyone turned to the beach where someone had landed, wings sprouting from its back.

"Um- can someone help me? Please?"

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