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"If trouble comes when you least expect it then maybe the thing to do is to always expect it."

― Cormac McCarthy, The Road

Little stars slowly started twinkling in the dark greenish sky, notifying everyone to assemble again before it would go completely dark. In the family house the werewolf had found a little pink pool stashed away in the garage and was now on his way to fetch his pretty little merman. The said merman had found the shower head and smiled brightly when his mate walked inside, yelling out a "Kookie! Look! I made it rain!" while drops of water rained down on Taehyung's wet hair.

The werewolf chuckled and shook his head, "Let's go Taehyung, it's starting to get dark".

The merman nodded and turned the shower head off before making grabby hands to the younger. He felt himself being picked up and laughed as his greenish tail slithered between Jungkook's arm, wetting the younger's clothes.

"Let's go", Jungkook smiled once he picked up the deflated pool and had secured Taehyung in his arms.

Yoongi and Namjoon had been stashing away supplies the others had brought with them, along with the stuff they had found themselves. Jimin didn't help and instead was laying on his back in the dried up grass, a little bird perched on top of his chest who was tweeting to it's heart content to the kitsune.

"She spotted a big group of mutants on the side of the road. They were only a few miles away from this town when she flew over", Jimin translated, casually listening to the little robin, "So they must be nearing us by now. We should leave".

Jimin thanked the bird and watched it depart to the sky again.

"We should leave as soon as the other two arrive", Namjoon mumbled, "Maybe I should fly around a bit, to check if there are any mutants nearby".

"Okay, but make it quick. I can see Jungkook walking over here", Yoongi nodded as he was in the middle of giving the car keys to the invisible elder.

Namjoon departed at the same time the merman & the werewolf reached the car.

"He's going to check the surroundings", Yoongi notified them as he caught their confused stares.

Jungkook nodded as he stood in front of them with a deflated kiddies pool in his right arm and his merman perched on top of his left. Hoseok blinked a few times at the sight and turned back to Jimin who was also staring at the two.

"How strong can one be?", he whispered yelled to the kitsune who gave a weirded out expression back, "It's so scary!"

"Hi there", Taehyung smiled brightly, not at all stunned at the strength of his werewolfie.

Jungkook threw the kiddies pool on the ground and held Taehyung now in both of his arms to get him more comfortable.

"We brought a pool so I can stay hydrated! We only need to fill it with water and then put it in the back", the merman smiled brightly as the rest stared at the deflated pool.

"This house has running water. Can you two fill the pool and bring it back? Jin and I are going to look for the easiest route to reach Pohang", Yoongi asked the scientist & the kitsune who both agreed. They grabbed the pool and brought it inside of the house.

"Jimin got information out of a bird. Apparently there's a big group of mutants coming our way. So it's best if we can backtrack a little and take a different road that'll lead to the city", the human spoke to the other four as he opened the map he had in his hands, "Jin found this map earlier. We can check all the roads on this".

"It's best to choose the quickest one that follows the highway", Jin spoke up, feeling the group stare at the spot where he was standing, "No one would be stupid enough to follow a highway on foot right? Most people or mutants would go on little roads like we did when we didn't have a car. You can't hide on a highway".

"That's true", Jungkook nodded, "But what if we run out of fuel? Then we'll be stranded on a highway".

"We stole fuel from the gas station at the end of the street. We have three tanks so that should be enough to get us to Pohang".

Namjoon landed next to the group while they were in the middle of discussing.

"I couldn't spot the group of mutants yet-"

"That's a relief", Jin sighed happily until the scientist shot him a look.

"- but there is a group of humans nearby. They don't look too friendly and are raiding every house like we did".

Taehyung frowned, "What do you mean with they don't look too friendly?"

The group now stared at the scientist who had a dark expression on his face, "There was a child hiding in one of the houses we didn't inspect. When the group approached he jumped out, probably because he thought he was saved. But the group didn't seem too keen on having another member in their team".

Jungkook's expression turned grim and the merman could feel the hands holding him strengthening their grip on him, "You mean-"

"They shot him on sight", Namjoon nodded, seeing the group's expression fall, "They then brought the child with them".

"Probably to feed themselves later on", Yoongi spoke grimly, "There isn't much food left since this apocalypse started. Even humans are a source now".

Taehyung gagged at that, "That poor child. What kind of humans would do that?"

"Humanity changed ever since the world did".

Silence fell between them and was only broken when Jimin and Hoseok returned with a now filled pool. They were laughing at something but it was quickly silenced when they noticed the cold mood going on between the team members.

"Everything alright?", Jimin asked, shirt soaked by the pool's water.

Yoongi cleared his throat, "It doesn't matter. Let's put the pool inside of the van and leave before they near us. Let's go".

"Who near us? You mean the mutants?", Hoseok asked as they placed the pool in the back. Jungkook placed his merman in the water and climbed in the back too to keep Taehyung company.

"We'll tell you later. We need to leave now", Namjoon informed them as he watched Yoongi close the back of the van and Jin climb onto the driver's seat (well he didn't really see Jin, more like, the car door opened on itself).

Jimin and Hoseok glanced at each other in confusion and climbed into the van, unaware of why the others were being so gloomy.


I had a dream they made a new kind of Nutella which had carrots, peas, red cabbage, mint and ham in it. It was awful. I think i gagged in my sleep lmao

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