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"Who the fuck are you?"

Jungkook sighed in annoyance as he pinched the bridge of his nose. He was used to being a lonesome wolf and now what? Suddenly there were a bunch of people surrounding him, being weird and stuff, while all he wanted was to spend some time with the pretty merman- Shit, that sounded kinda gay.

The alpha grabbed the person by his shirt and hauled the full grown man up in a swift move which made everyone stare at him in shock, while Taehyung just stared at the boy with a knowing smirk on his face.

"I'm strong. So what?", Jungkook scoffed before putting the man on the ground.

"Thanks man", the brown haired man smiled as he dusted off his clothes, "I'm Namjoon".

"Welcome to the club Namjoon", Yoongi spoke with crossed arms. He noticed the wings standing on the man's back were crooked and made of metal. Sparks flew off the wings and cables sprouted from the surface.

"You're some kind of scientist or some shit?", Yoongi decided to ask as he studied the man.

Namjoon gave them a genuine smile which showed off the dimples in his cheeks, "Yeah, something like that. I was trying on these wings I made. After spending months working on them, I figured they would be ready for a first fly".

"That obviously didn't work out", Jimin giggled, "Hi! I'm Jimin by the way and I can talk to animals".

He whined when he got a stomp against his chest from the glaring alpha. "Stop telling people that", he grumbled before marching his way over to the water where Taehyung was hopelessly trying to follow the conversation. Jin had been silent for a while as he stared at the man. Namjoon seemed to notice him staring and looked at the raven haired male for the first time. When his eyes met Jin's gaze, the older quietly shrieked and his whole appearance disappeared until he was fully invisible.

Namjoon's mouth fell open and everyone quickly realized Jin had disappeared. Yoongi swung his arm and quickly heard an 'oww' come from beside him when he hit something, probably Jin's arm.

"Why are you invisible?", Jimin asked confused.

He heard a scoff, "Why aren't you?"

This made Namjoon chuckle and he quickly stuck out his hand and felt a hand enclosing around him, "Nice to meet you Mr. Invisible".

Jin was glad he wasn't visible for once because the blush on his cheeks was a horrible sight indeed.

"You can just call me Jin. Nice to meet you too".

Yoongi rolled his eyes at the flirting men and turned to Jimin who was crouching down. The older frowned and crouched down beside him, seeing the other holding up his hand with a tiny crab crawling along it.

"Can you talk to it?"

Jimin was frowning, "He's very small. I can barely understand what he's trying to say. Apparently it's something about the ground acting up".

"That's weird", Yoongi frowned too, "Is there going to be an earthquake soon?"

Jungkook wriggled his toes in the wet sand as he told Taehyung everything that had been said. The merman nodded at the given information and happily splashed his tail around.

"I'm very glad we're forming a group. The more to merrier", he smiled but it quickly disappeared as his attention felt on the wriggling toes, "How is it to have feet?"

Jungkook looked down and back at Taehyung who stared sadly at the younger's feet.

"Um- I don't really know how to answer that question", the alpha replied awkwardly, "I can walk and run so great I guess? But I bet you can swim a lot faster".

Taehyung pouted and the younger realized he would want to anything just to get that a smile back on his pretty lips.

"I don't care about swimming. I want to be where the people are, and the only thing in the ocean are fish and dead mutants", he spoke softly over the sound of the crashing waves, "I want to go on an adventure with you, with all of you, but when you leave I can't come with you because I'm stuck in these stupid waters".

Jungkook sighed and averted his gaze to the endless pool of water, "I'll stay here if I must, to protect you".

He heard Taehyung giggle which made his heart beat just a tad louder, "Silly Jungkookie. I can take care of myself".

But even if he could, he wouldn't mind Jungkook being there with him. Ever since the alpha appeared and decided on staying on the beach for a few days, Taehyung didn't like the concept of being alone anymore. And he was scared he'd be that once again if Jungkook ever left.

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