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Taehyung watched the scene in front of him unfold as if it was a drama movie. He would have loved to eat some popcorn with it as he and Jungkook watched the discussion going on from the side. The alpha noticed the merman grinning from ear to ear and his almond eyes sparkling in amusement. He admired the boy shortly, before diverting his gaze back on the arguing scientists.

"I didn't follow you here bitch", Hoseok scoffed, "What do you think I am? Some pathetic stalker?"

Namjoon scoffed back, "Uh yeah".

"Do you think I have nothing better to do than follow your flying ass around the globe just so I could stand here and be yelled at!?", Hoseok balled his fists, "I had no idea you were going to be here".

"Of course, and that's why you suddenly pop up here with the words 'I was wondering where you left Namjoon".

Hoseok rolled his eyes in annoyance and did his best not to grit his teeth, "Look, I never followed you and believe me when I say it's a pure coincidence that we both arrived here around the same time. I always first check the surface before coming up and I recognized your voice. That's why I said what I said".

Before Namjoon could come up with a witty reply, Jimin had already butted in. The small boy stared at the ginger head and spoke up in a soft voice, "Why did you come here?"

Hoseok unclenched his fists and sighed, "I can't really explain it but it felt as if I needed to go this way. My suit is specially designed so it tells me whenever there are earthquakes on their way or earth movement. Every time I wanted to go in another direction than this, my suit told me it was dangerous up ahead. So I ended up here after a few weeks".

Jimin hummed and turned to Yoongi, "You remember when I told you I was in search of the ocean?"

The mint haired boy nodded.

"It's not a coincidence I wanted to go here", Jimin stated, glancing between the boys, "I started having weird dreams about deep blue water and drifting clouds. All the animals I met seemed to talk about the ocean in subtle ways. Since I didn't really have a place to stay anyway, I embarked on this adventure to reach the sea".

Yoongi frowned and turned to Jin, who was standing beside him. He couldn't see the older but could feel his nearby presence.

"How did you end up here?"

Hoseok frowned and thought to himself who the heck the mint haired boy was talking to.

Jin thought for a moment before shrugging, though nobody could see that gesture, "I ran away from home and ended up here. I didn't really mean to come here. I also followed the scent of food since Jungkook was cooking before I arrived".

Hoseok's eyes widened as he stared at the space the voice came from.

Yoongi nodded and turned around to the raven haired male that stood at the waterline, a little in front of a sitting Taehyung.

"Jungkook", he yelled, since the younger was a few meters away from them, "Why did you come here?"

The raven haired male shrugged, "I left home and sliced my way through mutants until I caught the sea air. I planned on washing myself and maybe find food and then leave".

A small smirk made its way on Yoongi lips.

"And why didn't you leave?"

The alpha gulped and his eyes flickered down at Taehyung against his will.

"No reason", he replied though everyone could see the faint blush spreading on the younger's cheeks.

"I see", Yoongi nodded, turning back to the others, "You see where I am going with this right?"

The boys nodded.

"We were led here for a reason", Namjoon mumbled.

"And we're all the opposites of normal everyday human beings", Jimin spoke up.

This seemed to have sparked Hoseok's interest.

"You aren't? Do you have special powers or something?", he perked up, glancing around, "You talked to someone before but I can't see him. Is there someone invisible here?"

Yoongi nodded and pointed to the right of him.

"Hi, I'm Jin and I'm sometimes visible and sometimes not", the boy spoke and Hoseok's mouth fell open.

"Can you like, choose between them?", he asked in awe.

"Nope it just happens randomly".

Hoseok nodded and stared expectantly at Jimin. The said boy noticed it was his turn and smiled sheepishly.

"My name is Jimin and I can talk to animals".

"That's so cool!", Hoseok beamed, "How does that even work?"

Jimin shrugged, "I hear their voices in my head and just respond verbally to them".

Yoongi was the next one to talk but he shrugged, "Nothing special about me except for me having a fish brother".

"I'm a fucking merman! Don't call me fish!", Taehyung yelled back, already raising his hand to send a waterball his brother's way.

"What he said", Yoongi said nonchalantly and hissed when cold water hit his back and drenched his shirt.

"And what's the deal with that scary kid over there?", Hoseok nodded to Jungkook who seemed to be in conversation with Taehyung.

"We think he's a werewolf since he's super strong and his eyes flash red whenever he's angry", Yoongi replied, "But he doesn't want to admit that so let's keep it silent and just pretend we don't know anything".

Hoseok nodded and sighed, "Phew, that's a lot of information to take in. But this is super cool though! It's like we have a destination set out for us!"

Namjoon rolled his eyes. This was so typical for Hoseok. He was too energetic and enthusiastic for Namjoon's taste. He didn't always think everything through and the older always despised scientists like that.

"Yeah!", Jimin pumped his fist in the air.

Well it seemed he had found someone to share his enthusiasm with.

Jin watched the scene with furrowed eyebrows and watched his see through skin. He was worrying whether he had ended up here on accident. He wasn't really a fighter and most likely a burden to the rest for being a scaredly cat.

Yoongi cleared his throat.

"But where do we go from here?"

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