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Jin stayed grumpy the whole way out of the facility. He had been able to use another door that wasn't barricaded to slip out. He had tried to dodge everyone on his way and only one guy had looked at the door suspiciously when it had moved on his own. The eldest loved his invisibility but at the same time absolutely despised it because he always had to do the most dangerous missions.

Okay, maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration when Jungkook was lying in the laboratory with several bullet holes in his body. But at least he was able to defend himself and his loved ones. The only thing Jin was able to do was hide himself away like a coward.

He just hoped Taehyung was alright on his own. The merman would probably be worrying already and it would be possible that he was feeling Jungkook's pain. If that was the case, who know what state Taehyung was in right now.

Jin sped up his pace and tried searching for the dark alley they had stayed in. It had gotten dark outside, darker than usual which worried the elder even more, and he had run into multiple wrong alleyways before finally finding the right one. He realized he had turned visible again and cursed at that, knowing there was no way he was getting back to the others now.

"Taehyung?", he whisper yelled, not wanting to attract any unwanted attention. He couldn't see well in the darkness and he was scared he'd accidently step onto the merman's tail. No answer came and the older started panicking before realizing that maybe Taehyung was hiding somewhere and hadn't even heard him. So he tried calling for him again.

This time though he heard something move nearby and he walked towards the noise. "Jin?", he heard a soft voice ask and he quickly responded as he tried searching for the merman. Taehyung then appeared, crawling out of a fallen trashcan. He was dragging his body on the ground with his arms as he looked up at the older, his face breaking out in a smile, "It's really you".

"Hi", Jin quickly said, crouching down, "How are you? Are you okay?"

The merman looked at him with a confused expression, "Yeah I am. Why do you sound worried though? Did you think something happened to me?"

"You're not feeling anything?", Jin asked, ignoring the question aimed towards him. The merman again frowned and shook his head, not getting why the older was again asking him this. Should he be concerned about anything? His eyes suddenly widened as he thought of something.

"Did something happen to Jungkook?", he asked and his fear seemed to be confirmed when Jin averted his eyes. "What happened? Jin, what the fuck happened!?"

The panic was really setting in now, especially since the older man wasn't replying. "You asked me cause I'm supposed to feel something because I'm his mate, right? Is he hurt? Jin, for god's sake, answer me!".

Taehyung's loud voice startled the older and he quickly shushed him, knowing they shouldn't be making so much noise. "Yes, okay, he's hurt but Namjoon's fixing him".

"What do you mean by fixing him?"

"He got uh shot a few times", the older said, seeing the merman's face fall even more, "But it's nothing a werewolf can't handle. He also seemed to have problems with changing back from his wolf but I'll bet it'll be fine. Jimin's there for if he tries to be stupid and attack us or something".

He realized he wasn't making anything better by rambling like this and took a deep breath.

"I just came to check up on you in case you were feeling Jungkook's pain and started panicking. I'll stay here until I go back invisible", Jin explained as he sat himself down next to the merman.

Taehyung looked up at him, eyes twinkling with emotion, "You'll promise he'll be okay?"

"Sure", Jin smiled, though it was strained, "I'm sure it's fine. Namjoon's a professional".

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