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Jimin stepped foot inside the forest, hearing leaves crunch underneath his boots. Usually he'd be accompanied by Jungkook as they strolled around together. The younger boy would be in his wolf form, paws hitting the ground as he chased animals around, losing his energy before returning home to Taehyung. Jungkook had a lot of pent up energy and Taehyung got annoyed every so often by his constant pacing in a way to relieve some energy. Jimin and Jungkook would be able to talk to each other through Jungkook's growls and Jimin's kitsune ability.

But he was alone to wander today. The air felt different without the terrified shrieks from squirrels and birds trying to scurry away from the huge wolf. Jungkook never actually hurt an animal, mainly because Jimin was a protector of all animals and he'd hit the younger boy if it ever happened. But it was amusing to see him jump around like a sort of overgrown puppy.

Now, it was silent and a bit boring. Though Jimin could always find a friend among the animals to talk to. But for some reason, he couldn't spot any animals, couldn't hear any animals. It felt foreign.

He quickly found the reason in the embodiment of a big bear napping next to a tree, the bear oddly familiar. Jimin took a few tentative steps forward but stilled when a leaf crunched and one eye of the bear snapped open. Yoongi.

"Hadn't expected to run into you here".

He watched the bear get up from the ground, shaking his body to get rid of all the leaves sticking to his side. The bear looked at him, eyes almost human as he looked straight at the kitsune.

It's been a while kitsune.

Jimin grimaced at the familiar voice that came in the form of a grunt. He watched how the bear stood up on his hind legs and began rubbing his back against the tree trunk. He was surprised to see the bear act so casual, since the last time they spoke he had tried to kill Jimin in a fight over the world.

"Didn't know you guys stayed around", Jimin replied when the bear finally fell back onto his front legs, "Still bitter about the fight?"

We were never bitter

Jimin raised an eyebrow, not convinced at all by the bear's words.

Okay, I was bitter. But the others were quick to accept Jungkook's decision to stop our mission. It seemed Taehyung's words really struck a nerve.

"Well when you point a gun at his lover's head it doesn't usually leave you cold".

You don't understand. Our Jungkook is supposed to be cold, he's a vampire. He never truly seemed to care for our Taehyung. They had sexual relations because Jungkook wanted to, but no one had expected there were actual feelings involved. Your Jungkook wears his heart on his sleeve.

Jimin tilted his head at that, a bit fascinated by Yoongi's words. He hadn't expected the bear to be this articulate. "Are the others nearby?"

We were never far away.

At this the bear turned around and started trudging in the opposite direction Jimin came from. The kitsune soon followed.

Jimin had never been in this part of the forest. The trees grew much higher here and there was almost no sunlight filtering through the thick leaves. He guessed this was a perfect place for a vampire to reside.

"I brought someone", Yoongi grunted, now turned back to his human form. He had disappeared into a little tent and walked back out in only brown trousers. There were a total of six tents littered on the small campground. Namjoon was standing next to a bright red one, filing his nails.

"If it isn't the kitsune", the dragon spoke, eyes flickering over to the boy, "Hoped you died along the way".

Jimin let out a humorless chuckle at that. Dragons and kitsunes were never fond of being around each other. It was in their instinct to hate each other's guts. A tent rustled and soon the vampire's pleased smile was in Jimin's sight.

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