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"Why do you guys want to fight us so badly?", Taehyung asked, his heart hammering in his chest when he thought about actually shooting someone. He'd probably throw up after and be traumatized for the rest of his life.

The vampire scoffed, eyes full of hate as he stared at the gun pressed against the banshee's head, "Why are you trying to save the world?"

"Because it's our mission", Yoongi declared, eyebrows furrowed at the other's question. He had a tight grip on the banshee's arm so he wouldn't try running away. It was disturbing to hold someone prisoner who resembled his brother so much. But it had to be done.

"Well this is our mission", the vampire reasoned, his words causing the other team's frowns to deepen.

"To doom everyone? Even yourselves?" Taehyung wasn't happy with the thought process of the other team. And so he outed it.

The vampire's face was cold and unbothered, "It's our only purpose in this world".

"That isn't right", Taehyung frowned again, "Sure our mission was to save this planet, but we also want to save this planet for ourselves. I want to live in this world with Jungkook. I want to be happy in this world with him. If you stop us, will that make you happy? Will you be happy in that world?"

"Are you really trying to sweet talk us boy?", the dragon spoke, a puff of smoke escaping when he chuckled.

"I'm giving you two options. Either I shoot his brains out, which I know will make you the quite opposite of happy. Or we stop this fight and you leave us alone", Taehyung reasoned. To emphasize his words he pressed the gun even harder against the banshee's head. His clone let out a quiet whimper., eyes squeezed shut. Though the enemy tried to suppress their real emotions, something meaningful flickered through their eyes when one of their teammates was in danger.


The boy glanced to the side where Jungkook had appeared. He was limping and bleeding but he still managed to give a small reassuring smile towards his mate. "They aren't going to listen to us. You can't bribe the enemy".

"But I know they have feelings", Taehyung protested, "They were just treated as the enemy by fate. That doesn't mean we have to treat them like that".

"I know baby", the werewolf sighed, "But they wouldn't show us mercy when we would be in their position".

"That's because they think they should be the bad guys and don't show mercy. But they can be whatever the want to be. They can be happy once they realize that they have more than one purpose in this world".

Jungkook opened his mouth to reply but a sudden loud screech froze everyone in their place. Bodies around them hit the ground and Taehyung quickly realized that the humans among their teams had gone unconscious.

He had faltered for a moment as well, not expecting the sudden scream erupting from the banshee. The white haired boy was quick to kick the gun out of his hands before running off. A small grin appeared on the vampire's face as the banshee ran into his chest, shaking and upset from the near death experience.

The vampire looked up from his lover towards their clones. Jungkook and Taehyung were lost for words when they gazed upon the little scene happening not too far away from them.

"Don't think about this as us surrendering to you. I'll think about your words but this isn't a farewell", the vampire spoke before turning on his heel and walking away. The rest of the team followed them as well.

Yoongi the bear stopped next to the unconscious humans. The wizard got both clones of Jimin and Jin on the bear's back before they followed the others as well. When they disappeared out of sight, it suddenly became quiet again.

"I had not seen that one coming", Jimin let out a big breath, unable to wrap his head around what had just happened. He then looked around and his shoulders dropped when seeing their other team members lying on the ground. They had a lot more humans in their team and it showed by all the unconscious people on the street. "Let's get them inside".

"Did your emotional rant actually save us?", Jungkook's mouth stood open, still perplexed by the others surrendering this easy. "They really left us alive".

Jimin stopped in his tracks, "Hey, who said we wouldn't have been able to kick their ass?"

"I do", Jungkook huffed as he started limping towards an unconscious Namjoon, "That vampire kicked my butt. I'd be dead if Taehyung hadn't done whatever he did". He shot his mate a loving smile, "Which I very much appreciate".

"Yeah how did you do that? I had never though your powers could reach such an extent", the kitsune asked as he slung an unconscious Yoongi on his right shoulder. He bent down to pick up Jin who had gone back to being visible and slung him on his left shoulder.

"I don't know actually", Taehyung hummed in thought, staring at his hands that had a few scratches from rolling around the ground so much. His shirt had been caught on fire a few times and there were a few burn marks on his skin. "I just knew I couldn't let Jungkook get killed and needed to do everything in my power to stop it".

"It was pretty impressive to see", Jungkook smiled, picking up the last remaining team mate off the ground before walking towards the house they had been staying in, "It would have been much more enjoyable to see if I wasn't in such pain".

"It was also very terrifying. I thought you were going to drown us all or something", Jimin shuddered at the thought.

Taehyung's eyes widened at that, "Do you think I would have been able to do that?"

"It sure looked like you could", the other shrugged, sighing when he could drop the humans on the couch. He rolled his shoulders back now they were relieved from the weight.

Taehyung hummed, closing the door behind them, "I'll try it next time they want to attack us".

"I don't know if they'll be back. But I certainly hope not", Jungkook replied, dropping Hoseok and Namjoon on the other couch. It was quiet for a moment until the werewolf let out a huff, "I don't know about you guys but I'm knackered. If these guys get to sleep, so can I".

Jimin snorted at that, "Go ahead. I'll keep watch just in case they decide to return".

Jungkook nodded, a yawn slipping out of his mouth before he glanced back at his mate. Taehyung perked up when his name got called and tilted his head when the younger looked at him. "What?"

"Do you want to come as well?", Jungkook asked, "We can share a bed if you want".

Taehyung hesitated but nodded. He had never actually slept in a bed. But now that he had legs, he could properly cuddle with Jungkook and that was an opportunity he didn't want to miss out on.

"Good night you two", Jimin smiled, watching the other two go upstairs. He sighed and flipped back onto the third couch. It finally seemed peaceful.

THIS BOOK IS SLOWLY NEARING ITS END. (finally after 57 chapters omg)

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