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The team members were huffing at the edge of the forest, the only not tired one being the merman who had been carried by Jungkook for the entire way

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The team members were huffing at the edge of the forest, the only not tired one being the merman who had been carried by Jungkook for the entire way. With guilty eyes he watched Jungkook sit down, his chest heaving from the pants escaping his lips. He hated having to depend on someone. He hated being a dead weight to the rest. When he was in the ocean, he had full control over everything, it had been his home for as long as he could remember.

And now he back here, on land, and he couldn't do anything on his own anymore.

"I think we outran them", Namjoon panted, grabbing his side that hurt from all the running.

"If they were chasing us in the first place", Yoongi replied, falling on the ground, letting his body sink in the soft substance of the wet earth. Jimin scrunched his nose at seeing the mud sticking to his boots, but realized Yoongi had just laid himself down in the said mud pool. What a pig.

"What do we do now?", Jin asked, his body back to visible again. He was leaning against a tree where Hoseok was slumped down against. The scientist wasn't used to this much physical exercise since he had been holed up in his lab for months, trying to create his inventions.

Jungkook sat down next to Taehyung, smiling shortly at the boy. "You okay?", he asked, glancing at the wounds littering Taehyung's tail. He was suddenly smacked by the said tail and yelped in surprise, rubbing his arm which had been hit. "What was that for?"

"You're asking me if I'm okay?", Taehyung glared, grabbing his tail and pulling it closer, "You just ran like two miles with me in your arms, and you're asking me if I'm fine? For god's sake Jungkook, think about yourself for once and don't pity me!"

He was frustrated to say the least. He wasn't used to being pitied this much. Usually, it would only be Yoongi who would make some snarky remarks or jokes about his life, always trying to be subtle about it. He knew it was a sensitive subject for Taehyung so he tried to avoid it as much as possible. But for Jungkook it wasn't the same case.

The alpha looked taken aback and his eyes stood wide, both in fear and confusion as he saw Taehyung practically glare at him.

"If I could walk I would have angrily walked away if I could but goddamnit I can't even do that so just imagine I did just that", the merman said gruffly, crossing his arms in annoyance.

The rest of the team members had fallen silent at the awkward atmosphere surrounding the two supernatural boys.

Yoongi clapped his hands together to get everyone's attention, trying to get rid of the tension since it didn't seem to get any better soon.

"I have a suggestion", the platina blonde stated, "Since we won't be safe anywhere and we don't know where to actually start, I say we first go to the nearest city".

"Isn't that Pohang?", Jin asked, "That's miles away from here".

Hoseok frowned, "Distance doesn't really matter, it's the gates that matter. They won't let any mutants in- that also means supernatural creatures. And if you hadn't noticed, we have quite some abnormal people in our team".

Jungkook's eyes were stuck on the ground, his legs crossed as they trembled with anxiety, his equally trembling hands stuffed underneath his legs to hide them out of sight. His already damp hair was getting even more wet by the sweat trickling down his face by his heart hammering in his ribcage. He didn't know whether to cry or yell. The words Taehyung had spoken and the looks he had gotten had a bigger influence on him than he would like to admit.

His wolf was howling, forcing him to make up with Taehyung since he was crumpling underneath the guilt. But he didn't understand why Taehyung was so angry with him. How could he apologize when he didn't know what he did wrong?

With sad eyes he stared at Taehyung, noting the distance between them that he didn't dare to close anymore.

While the discussion was still going on, Jimin decided to tune it out to look around a bit. He noticed the longing stare that was being given to the grumpy merman, his face turned from the sad werewolf who seemed on the verge of crying.

He uncrossed his arms and pushed himself off the tree he was leaning against. He plopped himself down next to the merman with a sigh, Taehyung confusingly glancing at him.

"Taehyung", Jimin started, as the discussion going on between the others got more heated, "I need to have a word with you".

"About what?", the brunette sighed, resting his head against his hand, his cheek being squished at the action.

"In private", Jimin coughed, glancing at the confused Jungkook who was desperately trying to listen to the conversation, his sad puppy eyes glancing between Taehyung and Jimin, wondering why they needed to talk. The alpha's posture seemed defeated which was something surrealistic to the other men. The werewolf always seemed so confident and insensitive, but now he looked completely broken. His insecurity doubled its effects when he was left to watch how Jimin picked up his merman and left the conversation.

His wolf growled in jealousy but he was pulled back as if on a leash when Taehyung sent him one last glare.

He hates me. He hates me. He fucking hates me.

our poor jungkookie is freaking out and taehyung doesnt know about it o(ω' )o poor wolfie

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