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"Thank you for the directions! I'll find it in no time thanks to your help", Jimin smiled, waving goodbye to the bunny that hopped deeper into the forest. The boy turned around, ready to proceed his adventure with new hope. But he stopped at the sight of a figure looming in the shadow of a nearby tree.

"Hi", Jimin spoke awkwardly, cursing at himself for talking so obviously to an animal without noticing someone staring at him.

"You were talking... to a fucking rabbit", the person pointed out, his platina blonde hair waving in the chilly breeze.

"No I wasn't", the boy blurted out, mentally hitting himself repeatedly on the head for being so so dumb. He was such an obvious liar so he wasn't surprised to see the stranger raise an eyebrow in suspicion. Jimin sighed and stuffed his hands inside of his pockets, casting his gaze to the side, "You think I'm a freak right?"

The stranger thought for a moment before a small smile appeared on his lips, "Yeah of course". Though before Jimin could reply he was already talking again, "But I've seen my twin brother change into a fish with weird water powers so weird to me isn't that weird anymore".

Jimin snapped his head to the blonde while his mouth fell open a bit.

"What?", he shrieked, "How is that even possible- I mean- with all these mutants around I thought the world couldn't get any stranger but I guess I was wrong".

He bit down on his bottom lip in thought and his eyes regained their sparkle.

"Can I talk to him?", he asked excitedly and saw the other roll his eyes.

"Just because you speak to bunnies, doesn't mean you can speak to my brother", he responded, ruffling his hair, "And besides, he doesn't like to be seen by humans".

"How can you talk to him?", Jimin asked, tilting his head to the side, "Can you talk to animals too?"

The stranger gave him an odd expression and snorted, "Look, don't fucking ask weird things like that. No one can talk to animals, alright? They don't use fucking words".

Jimin pouted, "Doesn't mean that they can't talk".

"Are you actually telling me you have conversations with animals?", the stranger asked, an amused expression on his face, "What? Do you spend tea time with them and dress them up to play house?"

Jimin now fully glared at the blonde and huffed, "I swear to god I'll convince the nearby bear to eat you up".

"You speak bear?", the stranger snorted, "Why the hell would there even be a bear here?"

Jimin rolled his eyes and roared. It sounded as nothing to the stranger, but to the nearby bear that was sleeping soundly, it looked as if Jimin was in danger.

"You are really fucking nuts", the blonde spoke, taking a step back, "I'm pretty sure you're brain has gotten infected by the virus too". The stranger patted around in search for his gun and got it out, pointing it at Jimin in case the raven head would try anything.

But it wasn't Jimin that charged towards him, rather, a brown bear on four paws, sprinting right towards him. The blonde let out a yell and fell backwards. The bear pounced on him but before he could do any damage, Jimin let out another roar, making the bear stop.

"That's enough please. I think he got the hint", Jimin smiled, seeing the bear crawl off the other.

The blonde's eyes were wide once he got back on his feet and dusted off his gun. He stared at the brown bear now sitting down and scratching its head. He then glanced back at Jimin who smiled innocently at him.

"Hello, the name's Yoongi", he said, confident on keeping this guy close because his ability sure would come in handy.

"Hi, I'm Jimin and I'm in search of the ocean".

Yoongi smiled and bowed, "You couldn't have come across a better guide than me".

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