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It was night time and the group had set up their camp in a dry and barren field next to the road. A little campfire was crackling and sizzling, casting a warm glow on the people surrounding it.

Namjoon had placed down a map in front of him, informing Jin on where the town folks had told him the laboratory was. Jin, who was now sure of the fact that it was the same laboratory his father had worked at, then informed the younger on where the entries and exits were. While the two went over a possible plan, Yoongi had approached the werewolf and the merman who were cuddled up beside the fire.

"Hey Jungkook, could I talk to you for a bit?", he nervously asked, hating the fact he was about to apologize. His pride would take a hard hit today.

The werewolf eyed the older for a moment before he looked at Taehyung who nodded at him, silently telling him to go talk to Yoongi. Jungkook then stood up and followed the older to where he had stopped so they were out of earshot.

Before Yoongi could start talking Jungkook raised his hand, "Before you say anything- Is there any chance you are going to take a swing at me somwhere in this conversation because at least give me a warning beforehand so I can dodge it and not be knocked down like a moron".

The older snorted at that, "No, I'm pretty sure I learned my lesson not to punch a werewolf in the face again. It fucking hurt my hand".

"Your punch truthfully and surprisingly hurt a lot too", Jungkook replied, rubbing his sore jaw. The ugly purple color had already drained away but that didn't mean the pain had done the same.

Both males chuckled at that though they both knew what their conversation was leading to, and it wasn't just for chuckles.

"So-what I actually meant to say before you so rudely interrupted was that I'm sorry", Yoongi said, awkwardly fiddling with his hands. This was so out of character for him. He was sure Jungkook was wearing the widest smirk on his face by his apology. He knew he would when the roles were reversed.

But when he looked up he realized Jungkook wasn't smirking at all. Instead the werewolf was genuinly as uncomfortable as Yoongi was. It seems Jungkook wasn't used to people apologizing to him. "Uh- it's okay honestly. It was an easy mistake to make".

"Was it? The others didn't seem to think so", the older huffed, kicking a pebble that was lying next to his feet.

Jungkook shrugged and kicked the pebble back that had rolled against his foot, "It was. Maybe the fact I'm the only one to react this way is because I know how much Taehyung means to you, because he means as much to me as well".

Yoongi nodded in understanding, drowning the other's words in silence.

"Thank you for your apology. Let's just forget about it now okay? I won't growl at you anymore if you promise not to punch me anymore".

The older chucked, "Sure, it's a deal. I don't ever want to hit you again. I'm not ready to break my hand by it. That'd be lame".

The men exchanged another laugh before they split their ways, Yoongi walking over to Hoseok and Jimin while Jungkook joined his mate again.

"How'd go?", Taehyung asked with curiosity. He had tried really hard to eavesdrop on the conversation but he hadn't been able to hear anything. He did see the boys laughing, and that made his curiosity peak even more. Yoongi and Jungkook laughing together, rather than at each other, was a rare thing to witness.

"It went okay-ish", Jungkook shrugged, going to lie down on the group, pulling Taehyung back in his embrace.

"It was awkward, wasn't it?", the merman chuckled, his tail flopping onto the werewolf's legs.

Jungkook chuckled along while one of his hands ran up and down the merman's back. "It was rather awkward yeah".

Taehyung sighed in content, snuggling even more into his mate's shoulder. Jungkook was able to feel the merman's comfortable state, happy Taehyung felt safe in his arms.

Jin glanced at the cuddling couple while Namjoon was drawing his plan on the map. "We'll also need to talk about the tail thing", he said in a whisper, cautious about the others hearing them.

Namjoon looked up from where he was writing something and raised an eyebrow, "Ah yes, the Taehyung tail thing- I talked to Hoseok about it since he's a fellow scientist and I liked to hear his opinion about the matter".

Jin hummed, leaning back onto his hands, "And what did he say?"

"He thought it was such a crazy idea that it was probably worth trying", Namjoon smiled, "He said he's in".

The older sighed, "Well that's nice but that still doesn't mean we'll be able to actually come up with something. We don't have anything to work with outside of Taehyung himself".

Namjoon raised his hand, "That's where you are wrong actually". Seeing Jin tilt his head to the side in confusion he proceeded. "Hoseok and I have been secretly taking samples of mutants whenever we ran into them, like the fight in the first town. I have also taken some important looking documents from the facility that had experimented on Taehyung. At the moment I thought it might come in handy in the future and it seems it does now. I think that's a pretty good start".

"That actually is a pretty good start", Jin spoke up in awe. He had been unaware of the scientists working on the cure in secret. "Have you looked into the documents already?"

"I have but it was just a quick look. I think I should go over them with Hoseok", the younger scientist replied, "We'll do it once we reach the facility. It's best the others don't know about it yet. It might give them hope when there might not be any".

I am terrible at writing on my phone but it's the only thing I have at the moment since I'm spending the weekend at the beach  🏖 That's also why the chapter might seem a bit shorter.

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