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The drive was long, and the weather changed drastically once they had passed Ulsan from a distance. They had been able to spot the big city but knew nothing but evil would roam around there. So they made way for Pohang, hoping they would pass a little town where they could stop to rest.

Jungkook had fallen asleep as well, the only presence awake at the moment was the driver. Namjoon, who had no experience with driving whatsoever had taken over the wheel. It had been a straight line driving anyway, so anyone who could press in the gas pedal and hold the steering wheel was good enough.

Namjoon had spotted a sign and had followed it, hoping it would make them end up in a quiet easy town. And to his luck, that's literally where they drove into. He parked the car onto some random driveway and woke up the rest of the boys, who all grunted at his attempt- especially Yoongi who slapped his hands away and almost tried breaking his face by stomping his feet around like a little child.

"Get up you lazy ass", Jimin clicked his tongue, pushing Yoongi off his seat with a single shove. The human male made a surprised squeal when he felt the seat underneath him disappear and his face meet the car's floor.

"That's unfair", Yoongi groaned, rubbing his face, "Can't you go back to the lame animal whisperer you used to be? I don't like knowing you are secretly some fox spirit".

"Learn to live with it", Jimin shrugged, giving the older's ass a light kick with his foot, which almost send Yoongi flying forward. The older rubbed his ass and scowled at the chuckling younger, "Stop harassing me you vixen!"

Jungkook had woken up from the commotion and jumped out of the back, taking a deep breath & inhaling the fresh morning air. He stretched his limbs & popped his joints before hearing a whining sound come from behind him. Rolling his eyes he turned around, looking at the pouty mermaid currently making grabby hands towards him from inside his kiddies pool. The merman still had weary eyes and a tired complexion but Jungkook decided not to comment on it.

"I wanna go outside", the older whined, getting a glare from Lily who had just woken up as well, "Wanna get some fresh air".

Jungkook climbed back into the truck and got his mate out of the pool, his shirt and jeans immediately getting soaked because of the wet tail. "Finally", Taehyung smiled, stretching out his arms in happiness when he felt the sun casting its warm glow, "Freedom!"

"Stop yelling who knows what sorts of monster lurk here", Yoongi scowled at his brother, still rubbing his sore ass. He was normally quite nice to his baby brother, but being woken up forcefully & having his ass kicked by some bird whisperer really put a damper on his mood. He wanted to accuse Jimin of being some Disney princess because he could talk to animals, but then decided not to since the guy would probably feel flattered by that.

"Should we look around or just pick a house for today to sleep in?", Taehyung asked, wriggling his tail around. Bobby was looking in awe at the thing - that was his usual look whenever he looked at Taehyung - and tried touching it.

"I think it's best to just pick a house and sleep", Hoseok said, cracking his sore neck, "It won't be good to run into bad guys now with all of us being tired as hell".

"I'm not tired!", Taehyung said with a bright smile, "I feel as fresh as a fish in water".

"You literally are a fish", Namjoon deadpanned, seeing the angry frown appearing on the merman's face. He wanted to laugh but his face paled at seeing the angry glare coming from the wolf in whose arms Taehyung was residing. He nervously chuckled and hid behind Jin, who went invisible (so hiding was kind of useless behind an invisible person).

"Can we go explore?", Taehyung asked, a twinkle in his - still tired eyes - holding tightly onto Jungkook's bicep in an almost prayer. Jungkook was stuck. He knew his mate was still tired from using his powers like that, and he really should get some more sleep, but the cute little begging look he was getting from Taehyung was really messing with his rational side.

"I don't think it's a good idea to split up", Namjoon pointed out (still hiding behind Jin like an idiot). He quickly shut up when he saw Jungkook's murderous look and looked to the ground.

"Besides, someone should be on the lookout, we can't just let you guys nap! You'd be totally harmless", Taehyung stated a matter-of-factly. He didn't want his friends to get hurt, and he also really wanted some alone time with his wolfie.

Invisible Jin sighed, the sound drawing attention to the empty space he was, "Let's just go inside and you two can do whatever the hell you want. I don't care anymore". He threw his hands up in the air - though no one could see that - and walked inside, dragging a confused Namjoon with him.

Taehyung cheered at that and pressed his hands onto his mate's cheeks, squishing them, "Let's go on an adventure", he smiled, watching his squishy mate smile back. They watched the others break into the empty house and make their way inside. "Alright, house number 36, let's remember that", Taehyung said before they began their journey.

"Let's snoop around some houses", the merman hummed, turning to his mate, "Which house do you want to explore first?"

Jungkook looked around and decided on a random house that didn't look too shabby and could have useful materials in them. The first thing Jungkook did was slide Taehyung onto the dinner table so he could search through the kitchen cabinets.

Taehyung wiggled his tail while gazing around the dining room, trying to work out what sorts of people used to live in this house. Few photos were present in the room, and most of them included more stock photos than anything. The walls were a regular white - very boring if you'd ask Taehyung - and there were paintbrushes together with a bucket of paint standing in the corner. The merman realized the house probably belonged to a new family or couple who had only just moved in.

"Find anything?", Taehyung asked when he heard the other walk into the room. The younger shook his head and perched himself onto the kitchen table too. "The refrigerator wasn't even plugged in yet", the werewolf chuckled, shaking his head.

"Yeah, I think they were still working on the house when things went wrong in this town", Taehyung sighed, "I hope they were able to escape before mutants got to them".

"There's a chance they escaped to Pohang", Jungkook replied with a shrug, "There's also a big chance they didn't".

Silence filled the room and ever since the virus got out and the world went bad, silence was something that was heard too much. Birds weren't singing anymore, cars weren't driving and kids didn't play. The silence had become a deafening sound.

Jungkook was staring at one of the stock photos framed onto the wall. As his eyes were wandering, staring at the happy family happily laughing at him, Taehyung's eyes were also wandering. But instead of watching the interior design, he was watching the exterior design, more specifically that of his mate.

His eyes slowly wandered from Jungkook's cute button nose, further to his exposed neck & collarbones which were coated by a thin layer of sweat. At last his eyes ended up onto the muscles flexing as the werewolf leaned back onto his hands, the broad back and small waist making Taehyung really wonder how lucky he got.

"Jungkook?", the merman asked, voice soft. His mate hummed but kept his gaze stuck onto the wall, still a bit lost in thought. "Kook?", the older tried again, nudging the other's legs with his tail. This got the werewolf's attention as he tore his gaze away from the wall and rested it on his mate. "What is it?", he asked, eyes kind and questioning.

"Can you-", Taehyung asked, mouth suddenly a bit dry with nerves. He met Jungkook's worried gaze and swallowed, "Can you kiss me?"

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Next chapter might be a bit triggering (gore and stuff) but also fluffy.

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