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While the rats had gone on their mission, the rest of the group was chilling behind the dumpsters, waiting for their little spies to return. Namjoon and Hoseok were standing the furthest away from the group, talking in hushed tones in the hope Jungkook wouldn't hear their conversation.

"Once we have the lab to ourselves we need to do two things, alright?", Namjoon said, glancing to the side in case they got suspicious glances. But it seemed everyone else was busy talking. "One of us is going for the mutant cure and the other for Taehyung's cure".

Hoseok nodded but seemed hesitant, "I've been thinking about some things though. First of all, what if Taehyung's mutation and the other mutation are related? And what are we going for? A cure to make the mutants human again or something that could instantly kill them? If so, what if we accidently kill Taehyung as well?"

"I don't think Taehyung's mutation is related. He's been a merman much longer than other mutants. He transformed way before the virus started infected humanity", Namjoon said, "And we'll see what we can find. We'll look for a cure for the virus first, but if it isn't possible, we'll have to kill them".

Hoseok sighed, "Alright. I'll start researching Taehyung's mutation so you can focus on the mutants".

Namjoon agreed with the other scientist and they dispersed, mingling with the others again. Jin eyed Hoseok and the male nodded, making the older nod back. He had tried to listen in on the conversation but knew that the scientists would explain it to him later.

"How long will those rats take?", Yoongi grumbled, beginning to draw figures on the ground with a random stick, "It's smells like trash here".

"Oh, so that's not your natural scent?", Jimin spoke up, his mouth forming into a smirk as he noticed the older's eyes flare up. Yoongi didn't react though, because he knew that the kitsune could kick his ass if he wanted.

"Yoongi is right", Jungkook said, surprised with himself because he agreed with the older for once, "It feels like we are wasting our time here. What if it was prank? What if we wait forever?"

Jin raised an eyebrow, "You think the rats pranked us?"

The werewolf shrugged, looking a bit flustered, "Maybe?"

As if right on cue an army of rats appeared from the shadows, the little creatures plopping themselves down in front of Jimin. The kitsune, surprised with the sudden visit, smiled, "Hi there. Do you have some valuable information for us?"

"Only if you have valuable food for us in return", the rat answered, nodding towards her hungry servants, "We had a deal".

"Of course, I didn't forget about it", Jimin replied, grabbing the bag of food they had assembled for the rats. He emptied half of the bag onto the floor, the rats immediately attacking the contents. "You'll get the other half when you tell us what information you have".

The leader of the rats, who had grabbed a moldy loaf of bread, nodded, "There are many men guarding the building but not from the outside. When others near they shoot them down so it's evident they are watching every movement around the building from the inside. We found the room you described on the second floor but there are many men in there, dressed in white and they have these heavy things around their feet".

"Do you think it's possible for us to sneak in from the ground level?", the kitsune asked, seeing the rat shake her head.

"You'll be killed on sight", the rat spoke before looking at the bag of food, "Now can we get the rest of your food? I got families to feed".

They got the rest of the food and scurried away, the other group members staring at Jimin in suspense. "It still freaks me out that you can talk to animals", Jungkook said.

"Says the animal itself", Jin replied, ignoring the glare he got from the wolf, "What did the rat say?"

"Apparently you get shot on sight when you near the facility. She also said that sneaking in from the ground floor is impossible and that the laboratory we are looking for is on the second floor. But it seems the people working in there aren't there on their own terms. They are cuffed or something".

The others hummed in thought. "I guess flying is out of the question if you get shot on sight", Namjoon sighed, before glancing at Hoseok, "I guess that leaves us with your option".

"You think digging our way in is the best tactic?", Taehyung asked, already knowing that he won't be going on this mission with them. There's no way he'd be able to follow them in a tunnel since he can't crawl nor sneak.

"I guess so. But it'll make some noise", Hoseok replied, already beginning to rummage through his equipment, "I could make a large enough tunnel for everyone to crawl through. Maybe I could dig multiple ones so we can access different locations and split up?"

"Is splitting up a good idea though?", Yoongi asked, "If they notice one of us, the whole building will be alarmed and we are less likely to defend ourselves when we aren't all together".

"Yeah, but maybe they don't suspect others also entering the building so a little group can cause a distraction while the others storm the lab", Jimin said in thought, "There's really no way to tell what will happen".

Jungkook scraped his throat to get everyone's attention, "I just want to address something in case everyone forgot, but can't Jin turn invisible?"

Everyone's eyes went big and they turned to Jin who smiled sheepishly. "That's right! How could we forget! Why didn't you mention it?", Yoongi asked in disbelief.

"Because I always have to do the solo missions which are very dangerous when your powers only include turning invisible and nothing else. If I turn visible in the middle of that building I'm damn screwed!", Jin scoffed, feeling attacked by all the eyes looking at him. Sure, everyone else had super cool powers or equipment, but he? He couldn't do shit. If he got attacked, he'd be dead.

"He's right, guys. It's very risky", Namjoon interfered, "But we can use his invisibility in another way. Let's just create a real plan and get on with it".

The group nodded and put all their heads together, thinking up a plan for their great mission.

Jungkook noticed how sulky his mate had gotten as the others had shuffled together to create a plan. He could feel the sad feelings radiating off his mate which made Jungkook sad as well. "What's wrong Tae?", he asked as he drew the merman closer into his lap.

The merman huffed and nuzzled his face into the younger's chest. He wanted to cry but didn't want to seem silly, especially not when they really needed to come up with a plan.

"I can feel your doubts Taehyung, there's no use in hiding them", Jungkook told his mate in a soft voice, the merman huffing even more at that.

Taehyung glanced up, his eyes meeting the wolf's doe ones, "What's the point in me telling you? There's nothing you can do about it and it really doesn't matter at the moment". He sighed again and pushed his face back against the other's chest, "Just make sure you come back alive from this mission, alright?"

Jungkook really didn't want to leave it at that, but he got called by the others, asking him about some aspect of the mission which would involve him. He merely sighed and dipped down to kiss the merman's soft hair, "We'll talk about this later alright? And I swear I won't get myself killed".

He got up and joined the others, his heart aching at leaving his mate on the floor when the said mate was feeling so down. But the mission was important and the group needed him. So he started discussing the plan together with the others as Taehyung sulked some more on his own.

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