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Jungkook huffed, his hand going over to wipe the blood off his cheek, smudging it further in the progress. The bodies were sprawled on the ground and he was standing in the middle of it. He had scratches, cuts and bruises all over his body and blood that wasn't even his. He ran his hand through his dirty black hair which he hadn't washed in a week since it's been that long since he's seen civilization. Those mutants he killed were the only 'living' things that crossed his path this week and he rummaged through their pockets, finding materials he could craft things with. One mutant had been carrying a hand axe and he took it from the ugly creature, feeling the way it laid in his hand and smiled grim. Another weapon he could use to kill mutants with, former humans that had gotten infected with an unknown virus the world didn't know about.

The handgun in his other hand had ran out of bullets and he slid it back in his pocket, knowing he could craft some bullets with the materials he had. The young man proceeded his way, feeling the salt in the air and hearing waves crash against each other. He knew he was close to a beach, though he was still in a forest right now. His supernatural hearing was something he was grateful of, same with his scent. He had power and supernatural senses, but he didn't have control. That's why he disliked changing. The way his paws would hit the ground, his eyes would glow red and the way he would lose his humanity when his sharp canines would rip every living thing apart. He hated every part of it.

Jungkook grunted as the painful memories flashed in his mind, splattered blood invaded his vision while he saw himself ripping his cousin apart, not being able to stop himself, stop his wolf. The alpha shook his head and gripped the axe tighter in his hand. This wasn't the time to dwell on past events. The world had gone to shit anyway, no matter what he had done in the past.

He followed the scent of the ocean while his ears picked up any noise that would indicate incoming enemies or maybe an animal that could serve for food.

He stopped on the top of a stoop hill made from sand and let his gaze wander across the horizon. The blue ocean took over every ounce of land in front of him and a small smile graced his lips at the thought he could finally take a swim and get rid of his horrible stench. It barely rained in this part of the country so he couldn't even stand and soak himself in the sour rain.

He rushed over to the shore and dropped his backpack and weapons on the beach, quickly disposing of his shirt and jeans that were more ripped that anything. He left his boxers on and waded in the sea, ignoring the coldness of the water since he was a warm blood. He rubbed his skin clean, hissing as the salty water stung his cuts and reveled in the feeling of being clean for once.

He then got out and grabbed his clothes on the sand, determined to wash them clean as best as possible. The alpha suddenly stopped his action, getting the feeling like something was closing in on him. He spun around but failed to seen anyone in the distance. He got rid of the thought and went back on focusing on his clothes.

The water close to him suddenly moved and a hand surfaced up, shortly after a mutant crawled out of the sea, gurgling water out of his mouth. Jungkook backed away and swam back to the shore, grabbing the hand axe that laid there and aiming it at the ugly head.

A second later the mutants head was split in two and he fell down back into the ocean. Jungkook sneered at the thought of losing his hand axe as he dropped his clothes on his backpack, sprawling them out so they could dry even though the sun was hidden behind the fluffy clouds.

"Lost something?"

The alpha halted his actions and turned back around to the ocean, furrowing his eyebrows when he saw no one there. He quickly grabbed the knife that resided in the left pocket of his backpack and went into his defensive stance.

"Who's there?", he yelled though no answer came.

Suddenly a huge splash appeared nearby the shore and he swore he had caught a glimpse of a blue green tail somewhere between the waves. He sighed, knowing he couldn't stab a sea monster since it would mean he would have to step into the monster's terrain.

"I wanted to scold you for washing your filthy clothes in my ocean but you got rid of that annoying mutant for me. So thanks dude".

Now Jungkook could see it- or rather him. A brunette boy with tanned skin smiled at him, the water reaching to his stomach. His hair was drenched and his brown eyes glinted with mischievousness. He raised his hand, showing off the axe in his hand which once belonged to Jungkook.

"I better return this to you so you can proceed killing those fuckers", the boy spoke, "But you'll have to come here for that".

"Why?", Jungkook asked, suddenly realizing he was standing in only his boxers. He then thought he wasn't one to care for that and it was not like he was ashamed of his body. He would choose his human body over his wolf form any time.

"See for yourself", the brunette grinned, swaying the axe around to persuade the alpha.

Jungkook sighed and stepped inside of the ocean, wading to the place the boy was standing in. When he was in front of the boy he realized the brunette wasn't standing but rather sitting down since he looked small compared to him.

He then felt something sliding against his leg and he backed away slightly.

"What are you?"

The boy chuckled and laid on his back. When Jungkook wanted to ask it again he was cut off when a blue green tail surfaced, splashing water in his face which hit him quite hard. He wiped his face and looked at the giggling male in front of him who was playing with the end of his tail.

"You're a merman", Jungkook pointed out, a little amazed.

"You noticed", the boy chuckled, rolling his eyes, "But you're less surprised than I had expected".

"I'm not fully human either", the raven haired male responded, "I'm not one to judge".

"Interesting", the merman said with a far off gaze. He then remembered the weapon in his hand and gave it back to Jungkook. "Thanks for the help".

"How did that mutant end up here anyway?", Jungkook asked, happy with having his axe back.

"My dick of twin brother led them here and wanted me to drown them", the brunette sighed, "But those mutants don't really breath so they're not ones to drown easily".

"You have water powers?", Jungkook pointed out, "How?"

"Dunno man", the merman shrugged, "I was once human and then I became this. How? I don't know but it's pretty cool".

Jungkook nodded, not really knowing what to reply to that. He didn't want to intrude by asking how he became a merman, knowing it would mean prodding in his past. And the alpha knew just how much he hated being reminded about his past.

"I had never met someone, besides my brother, who hunted those things. Maybe you should meet him someday and work together or something", the brunette said, gazing at the sky.

"I don't work well in groups", Jungkook replied.

The merman nodded, "You're more of a lone wolf eh?"

Jungkook chuckled, "You could say so".

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