The Kitsune

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The Kitsune: a folktale that roamed around the earth

There once was a man that had two children, one boy and one little girl. His wife wasn't with the living anymore since she had passed away due a sudden illness she had received after giving birth to the second child.

The man had to feed his children and keep them happy, a task that wasn't too easy when you were on your own. He was known to be loving, though his attitude changed whenever he spotted a wild animal in the forest.

It didn't matter if they were cute little rabbits, a calm deer, a sleeping bear or a hunting owl. His bullets would hit every animal, and every penny he got out of them was spent on his children.

His techniques to kill the younger and more hidden animals consisted of an evil one, imitating the sounds of grown animals so their offspring would be attracted to make their way to him. Once they realized, he was indeed not their mommy, he would directly kill them. Baby rabbits had their neck snapped and young deer had their body slashed.

This technique was seen as a sin and was soon punished when he tried sneaking up to a nest of baby foxes. The animals he had been dying to kill suddenly transformed before his eyes into something that was feared by all of mankind.

A kitsune stood before him, glaring at him through dark eyes. A yōkai [妖怪], as it was called in ancient Japanese stories, had come to punish him and torture him for his gruesome deeds to nature.

The man fell to his knees and begged for his life and that of his two children.

The kitsune's eyes lit up at the mention of his offspring, smiling menacingly at the mere thought of children residing nearby.

"Call your children", the kitsune spoke, adoring the way the man's eyes widened. He shook his head sharply, fear taking over his mind immediately. The kitsune foresaw this reaction already and transformed into a human, one looking exactly as the man in front of him.

"Fine, then I'll do it", he smiled and called the two children who were playing outside. The boy and girl ran up to their dad, confusion filling their bodies as they saw two men that looked like their father.

"You can choose one", the kitsune spoke, "One will live, and the other will die".

The man felt his lungs tighten and glanced between his two kids. His son, a weak little boy that was oblivious and naïve about the world. And his daughter that had the beauty of her mother and the intelligence of her father.

"My daughter", he choked out, "Please spare my daughter".

The kitsune smirked and raised his hands, the trees surrounding them catching fire and burning everything that stood in the their way. The sky was thick of fog and smoke rose in the air with every second.

At last, the fire died down and time stilled for a moment.

The boy looked around and saw only ashes, two burnt bodies, that of his father and of his sister lying on the ground. He heard the birds chirp and realized he could hear what they were singing. The rabbits that hopped along glanced curiously at him and he felt the urge to tell them hi.

But the burning rage and revenge that had made place in his body made that happy urge die down.

His father had wanted him to die. His father caused all of this.

And now Jimin had gotten the chance of living, thanks to the fox spirit that chose to gift him life.

Not only did he thank the kitsune for this.

He also became one.

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