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Oh how much Jeongguk hated relying on his wolf in times of need. But when things like this happened and the situation was getting out of hand, there was no way he was going to hold back.

It had been worse enough that he had to leave Taehyung behind to fend for himself. Sure, Jungkook could feel if something bad was happening to his mate but it had still left a wrenching feeling in his gut when he saw his mate's sad face as they left.

And now, as they had literally crawled out of a hole in the ground and had been sneaking around the facility in utmost silence, Hoseok had to go and get himself caught. And if that wasn't worse enough, Jin had turned visible just as he was about chase after the men who took Hoseok.

Wasn't that just great?

So what were they supposed to do? Wait for the eldest to turn back invisible in the hopes they wouldn't find the scientist dead when they finally reached him? That wasn't on Jungkook's agenda. He just wanted to get the fuck back to his mate and the longer they stood here waiting, the longer Taehyung would have to be alone.

"I'm going to get Hoseok back and then we will fucking find that laboratory and kill whoever crosses our path because goddamnit, I'm not waiting around for something bad to happen", the werewolf spoke, standing up from where they had gathered. The room they had been hiding in ever since Hoseok got caught was small and dark, but everyone could make out the red shining eyes of Jungkook.

"We can't just storm inside and alarm everyone", Namjoon frowned, standing up as well, "We'll all get killed".

"Look, as far as I can tell, most of the guards are focused on anything happening on the outside of the building", Jungkook tried to reason, "We're almost on the second floor so if we just kill anyone on our path, no one will be able to alarm the guards. And once we'll take over the laboratory, we can hold our ground there".

"He's right", Jimin intervened, "The longer we wait, the bigger the chances they'll find us as well".

Yoongi hummed and got out his throwing knife, "Sounds like a plan. Let's go get Hoseok and then make our way to the laboratory. We've already been hesitating too long to my liking".

And so the five men stepped out onto the empty hallway and made their way towards the stairs. Yoongi pushed a gun into Jin's hands, the tall male looking at the thing with discomfort. He didn't like handling weapons.

Jungkook went first, checking every corner and bracing himself for any person to suddenly attack them. The hallway up the stairs was long and silent, but he could clearly hear Hoseok's voice coming from one of the last rooms. He thanked his wolf senses and whispered to his friends about the scientist's whereabouts.

"Should we storm that room first and free Hoseok? Or should we split up?", Namjoon asked, eyeing the big green doors that seemed to lead to the laboratory they were looking for.

Jimin pushed his way through them and went for it. "I'll handle Hoseok's captors. You guys focus on the lab", he casually said, a red & orange glow already engulfing his body.

"Those men won't know what's coming for them", Yoongi said, gulping as Jimin kicked in the door with an incredible force. The kitsune entered the room and only screams were heard as it slammed shut again.

Jungkook growled, "Let's go".

The scientists in the laboratory didn't know what was happening as the doors suddenly burst open and five men appeared inside the room. Like the group had expected, the said scientists were wearing chains around their feet, probably being in the facility against their will.

"Focus on anyone but the scientists. I don't think they will hurt us", Namjoon said before seeing Jungkook sprint of towards a guy bringing out his gun. The guard's gun got kicked out of his hand before a large claw was raked across his face, making him scream in agony.

Jin didn't have the time to gawk at the bleeding and screaming man that was being killed by the werewolf, as a group of men charged towards him. He lifted the gun with trembling hands but was pushed behind Namjoon. The younger man grabbed the gun out of Jin's hands and shot a guard that had been aiming at them, before pushing Jin to the ground behind some desk.

"Stay here", Namjoon said before joining the fight. The eldest eyed the others and noticed how many scientists had hid themselves under the desks, some clutching onto each other in hopes of comfort and trying not to get killed.

Jimin and Hoseok soon entered the room as well and Hoseok started barricading it with Jin's help as the kitsune joined the bloody fight. "I heard footsteps coming up the stairs as we came in here. I guess the rest of the building noticed the commotion".

"Well it's a good thing we barricaded the doors then", Jin sighed, bringing Hoseok behind the desk as well to wait out the fight.

It seemed like it was coming to an end as the last guard fell to the ground in a puddle of his own blood. "That's so gross", Jimin scowled, watching how his own hands were tainted with the red liquid. His eyes then found the heaving figure of the werewolf, who had been piling dead guards onto each other to clear some space.

"Jungkook? Are you okay?", he asked once he noticed how still the boy had gotten.

The male turned around, his eyes flickering from red to brown and back. It seemed as if he was trying to push back his wolf and regain his human side. Jimin gasped as the werewolf fell onto the floor and ran towards him, using his powers to life Jungkook into his arms. He noticed the holes in the werewolf's shirt and realized he must have been shot several times.

"Bring him here", Namjoon said, going over to a desk with equipment on it, "I'll treat his wounds".

Jimin nodded and grabbed Jungkook before flinging him onto his shoulder and bringing him over. "We should get Taehyung here", he said when he laid the werewolf onto the table, "He probably feels that something is off. We shouldn't worry him or it'd effect Jungkook as well".

"Jin can get him. He turned invisible a few seconds ago", Yoongi said as he was cleaning his knives that were stained with blood, "Hoseok, can you get on with the mutant medicine. I'll  talk to these scientists. See if they have any useful information".

Hoseok nodded and clapped invisible Jin on the shoulder. "Good luck with getting Taehyung", he said before pulling out some documents out of Namjoon's backpack, "Hopefully you'll survive".

The eldest grumbled, "Why is it always me that has to do the dangerous missions?"

"Because you're literally invisible".

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