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Jungkook really didn't like the situation they were stuck in. And he highly disliked the fact they were heading into an even worse one. With Jin now being completely visible, Taehyung becoming slightly dehydrated in his arms and the others being at the source of the sound, he was the only useful member of the group.

"What the fuck could have happened?", Jin muttered underneath his breath, "I was gone for one damn minute".

The other two didn't reply but a deep scowl was firmly etched into both of their foreheads. Taehyung tried not to shake like a leaf, but that scream they had heard not too long ago, and the tense atmosphere in the air made his skin itch. He held onto Jungkook's arms to get some kind of support, not really sure why he needed it. It's not like he actually thought someone could hurt the other four, especially when one of them was a kitsune.

They finally reached the house where they had parked their car next to. The door was wide open and nothing but silence filled the air. Jungkook had a bad feeling when he stepped through the door, and he set down Taehyung onto the couch, telling Jin to stay with him while he checked with the others. The merman first protested but quickly shut up when he got a pointed look from his mate.

I'm dead weight again. He huffed to himself, flicking his tail onto the couch and hugging it close.

Jungkook quickly went up the stairs in search of the others. He went straight to what Jin had told him was the room they had been sleeping in. The door to the room was closed and there wasn't any sound coming from behind it. This made him even more suspicious.

Decided to not waste any more time he kicked the door open, satisfied with how the door got flung from its hinges into the wall on the other side of the room. When he got a look into the room, his eyes widened its size. All his group members, including the kids were still sleeping, except for Jimin who was nowhere to be found. And none of them had woken up from Jungkook kicking in the door.

"The fuck?", he whispered before noticing that the window was open. He ran over to the open window and saw foot prints in the garden accompanied with claw marks on the edge of the window sill which either belonged to Jimin or some other horrid creature.

He wasted no time and jumped through the window himself, safely landing on his two feet as he did so. He followed the tracks as they led to the house next door, the foot prints evident in the earth that used to be someone's vegetable garden. The tracks ended there but he didn't have to search for Jimin much longer when he noticed the smaller boy holding someone down.

"Jimin?", he called out, walking closer to the guy. The said boy looked up, a grimace on his face, "Oh, glad at least someone came to help".

"We ran here as soon as we heard the scream", Jungkook said before crouching down, looking at the person struggling to get from underneath Jimin. "Who's this?"

"The person whose scream you heard", the older said, looking down at the said person. A strange mask and a grey cloak was the only thing visible, but Jungkook's senses picked up on the person's strange scent. "He smells like a dude", Jungkook sniffed, "But also slightly like a girl".

"Yeah, I noticed that too", Jimin said, trying to reach for the mask, only to get his hands smacked away, "What the fuck is your problem dude!? Or- dudette?"

The person didn't speak but his actions were clear: he really wanted to get away from them.

"Wait- so why are the others still sleeping?", Jungkook asked, finding it weird they went back to sleep after hearing this guy.

"They didn't", Jimin said, now sitting on top of the dude, "They went unconscious as soon as Mister Mask here screamed".

"And you didn't?"

"Nope, and I think he himself hadn't expected it either", Jimin explained, again looking at the stranger, "You know what- I really want to know what you're hiding. Let's get that mask-"

"I wouldn't do that if I were you".

Both the boys turned to the sudden voice of another stranger standing not too far from them. Jungkook felt a shiver running down his spine, thinking he should have heard someone nearing them. How had the stranger managed to sneak up quietly enough so a werewolf couldn't even hear him?

Jimin's mouth had fallen open, "Okay now, who the fuck are you? Really, where do these people keep coming from? And what's with your weird ass masks?" He let out an exasperated huff, really not ready to deal with two strange dudes in one day.

"That's my little brother you're holding down. I'm really sorry if he caused you any trouble. He likes to run off".

Jungkook arched an eyebrow and looked between the boy on the floor and to the guy standing a fair distance away. "It's dangerous out here. You should keep an eye on him if you don't want him dead", he spoke coldly, beginning to stand up from his crouching position.

The stranger cocked his head to the side and it almost seemed as if he was smiling behind that mask of his, "Thank you for the advice, I'll be sure to remember that. Can I have him back now?"

"What's wrong with him? You know- with his screaming and all that", Jimin suddenly asked, still not leaving his comfortable chair which was the little brother.

"Oh that- well he has been doing that ever since he was little. I really have no clue what his deal is", the person chuckled, shrugging his shoulders, "But could I have him back now? We really need to get going. We wouldn't want to run into any mutants at night. We're not great fighters".

Jimin frowned but got off the guy anyway, watching him scramble off the ground. "You could always let him scream and watch the mutants go unconscious", Jimin clicked his tongue, his eyes stuck on the boy who had now joined his older brother's side.

"He already did that once", the older dude chuckled, "Well, if you'll excuse us, we'll be going now".

He took his little brother by the shoulder and started walking away, leaving Jimin and Jungkook in silence.

"That was weird".

"Super weird".

"You think it was a mistake letting them go?", Jungkook asked, glancing to the side where Jimin was still frowning.

"I don't know. There wasn't much we could have done anyway. The world is filled with strange people, so a masked dude more or less doesn't really bother me".

It's his voice that bothered me. It sounded- oddly familiar. He sneaked a glance at Jungkook. I better not tell them for now.

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