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"Jungkook, we need to talk".

It was right after they had seen the masked brothers leave, the werewolf & kitsune still standing in the garden, a little shocked at what had just happened.

The werewolf broke out of his thoughts and looked at the other, "Sure. What is it?"

"It's about Taehyung", Jimin said, knowing that what he was about to say would probably end up in an ugly discussion, "And your mate bond with him".

"What's with it?", Jungkook asked, eyes narrowing the slightest.

"I know what animals feel, Jungkook, I know what they think about", Jimin sighed, dreading the outcome of this talk, "And you're part animal so-"

"Your point Jimin?"

The older male could tell the other was becoming annoyed at him, probably already having a clue where this was leading to. "My point is that I can feel what you're thinking about, and I want to tell you that I think it's a bad idea".

"Bad idea? What is?", Jungkook cocked his head to the side as if he didn't understand what the kitsune was talking about. He didn't want to admit he found it scary how Jimin was able to read his feelings.

"You know what I'm talking about Jungkook", Jimin spoke sternly, having enough of the younger's acting ,"You're thinking of marking Taehyung".

"So?", Jungkook said, his tone casual, his shoulders shrugging.

"It's a bad idea", Jimin flatly replied.

The werewolf snorted & crossed his arms, "I don't think you have any say in this".

"Well I never said I had. But I have a right to share my opinion and my opinion is; don't do it", Jimin said with a frown, "It's a really bad idea".


"First of all, when one of you dies, the other dies too".

Jungkook scoffed, "If Taehyung died now, I would die with him too. Marking him doesn't change that".

"You'll be depressed, sure, but you won't die", Jimin scoffed as well, "But when you're marked mates, you won't have that choice! You'll die!"

"Look, if that's your only argument against him getting marked then it's useless. If Taehyung would die, I would too. A world without him in it is pointless anyway. And if I mark him, then that means I'll be able to protect him better, so actually it's more of a win-win". The werewolf and the kitsune were glaring daggers at each other, both trying to win the argument.

"You'll become weaker, and we don't need that", Jimin sighed, dropping his attitude, "What if we're against something evil and they torture Taehyung to get to you. You'll be able to feel his pain! They'll bring you down through him".

"Is that all you care about Jimin?", Jungkook said, dropping his crossed arms, "You don't care about us dying. You only care about the group winning and you know your chances of winning are smaller when I'm gone! You probably want Taehyung gone anyway, so I won't be distracted anymore".

"That isn't true-"

"It isn't my problem you have no one to love in this godforsaken world", Jungkook growled, "If I hadn't met Taehyung then I wouldn't have joined this stupid team. It's only because of him that I'm here. So suck up your opinions and don't let me hear them again".

Taehyung stared up at his werewolf who was seemingly lost in his thoughts. He raised his hand & booped the younger on the nose, effectively getting his attention back. "What is it?", Jungkook asked, blinking his eyes a few times. He had been thinking about yesterday's argument with Jimin, trying to work out if his plan was actually a bad plan or if Jimin had been talking nonsense.

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