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Everything happened so quickly in that moment.

Yoongi ran to where Jungkook was resting and clutched the werewolf against himself. The younger boy grunted in pain, his eyes barely opening before he passed out again.

Jimin's eyes flared and tails broke out of his lower back. He neared the panicking scientists, whose fear doubled by seeing the kitsune walking their way. The creature bent down and ripped the chains around their feet apart. "Go", he roared. The scientists didn't need much else to start moving.

"Come on", Jimin barked to Jin who had been too busy panicking to actually move. He grabbed the male's arm and tugged him out of the room, quickly descending the stairs. "We need to find Taehyung". The scientists were not that far in front of them, everyone's ragged breathing filling the empty hallways. It was all too eerie, the calm before the storm.

Namjoon didn't even think as he grabbed Hoseok and busted through the windows. His mechanical wings got activated and when he thought he was close enough to the ground, he dropped the scientist. "Run!"

He then went back to the window where Yoongi was waiting for him with Jungkook in his arms. Namjoon took the wounded werewolf out of his arms and looked at the older, "Grab onto my legs", he said, looking up at the planes that were less than a mile away. The male seemed to hesitate. "Now Yoongi!", he yelled and soon enough he could feel himself being weighed down. Namjoon tried to fly as far away as possible, his eyes fixated on the back of Hoseok who was running as fast as he could.

The plane flew over them and before anyone realized it they were blasted forward as the first bomb hit the building. They crashed down onto the ground, Hoseok falling down not too far away from them. Jungkook rolled over a few times, his body limp and bleeding again. Yoongi had released Namjoon legs when they had neared the ground and spluttered, his mouth full of dirt.

Namjoon quickly jumped up, his mechanical wings scorching from overheating. He flung them away before they too exploded. "Great", he muttered, eyes sad as he watched his greatest experiment burn away. He slowly turned around to stare at the burning building that held one of the greatest laboratories he had ever seen. A pity.

"Jungkook, are you okay?" The scientist quickly turned around to where Yoongi was crouched down next to the werewolf whose bandages were soaked in blood again. Namjoon ran to them, in the corner of his eye he could see Hoseok running up to them as well.

"His wounds probably got ripped again by the fall", Namjoon sighed, falling down onto his knees next to the boy. "We'll need to find a med kit somewhere", he sighed once again, not quite believing how everything had turned out to be this bad again.

Hoseok nodded before his shoulders dropped, "We should find the others".

"They probably went to Taehyung", Yoongi spoke, already beginning to scoop Jungkook into his arms, "Let's hope they don't run into any trouble".

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"Jimin", the said boy growled in protest when Jin tried pulling him back, "Take it easy. Save your powers before you pass out like Jungkook did".

"We need to find Taehyung and then go to the others before anything worse happens", Jimin spoke, tugging at his arm. Jin knew that the younger could break free at any moment if he wanted to do. But he was nice enough to let Jin think he had any power.

"I know that", the older sighed, finally dropping his arm, "But put those tails away. You're using up too many energy. You're the only fighter out of the two of us and I'd like you to be able to fight when the time comes".

Jimin sighed but complied, his tails disappearing and his eyes going back to their original color. They had lost sight of the scientists ever since the building had blasted them away but neither of them seemed to care. Hoseok had the most valuable information anyway.

"Do you think Yoongi got anything out of those scientists about your father?", Jimin asked as they ran towards the alleyway Taehyung was located in.

"No idea", the human replied, his eyes scanning their surroundings in case they'd run into any trouble. It'd be quite bad if mutants decided to show up at this moment. They were too vulnerable for that.

They quickly entered the alley and before Jimin could start yelling the merman's name, Jin clasped a hand over his mouth. He motioned to the fallen trashcan where a small part of tail could be seen. "Taehyung?", the eldest whispered, which effectively made the merman's head pop out of the trash can.

"Oh my god you guys are alright!", the merman cried out in happiness, his eyes red around the edges from tears , "I heard the explosion but couldn't see where it came from. I was scared you'd all been blown up and I'd be left here to dehydrate and die".

"The building was bombed", Jimin informed him, seeing Taehyung's eyes widen in shock, "But we all got out safely- I hope".

"We don't know where the others are. They jumped from the window with the help of Namjoon's wings", Jin proceeded, "But I'm guessing they'll be meeting us here. It'd be risky to go looking for them without knowing their whereabouts".

"So we wait here?", Taehyung asked, wiping his eyes.

The elder shrugged, sliding down against the wall, "I guess so".

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

And they had guessed it right. Not long after, the other part of the team ended up walking into the familiar alley. Yoongi was carrying Jungkook on his back, the werewolf conscious but in a lot of pain. Taehyung's eyes started to tear up as soon as he caught site of his usual strong and confident mate.

"Jungkookie!", he cried as Yoongi gently put the younger down beside the merman. Taehyung quickly cradled the boy's face in his hands, watching with teary eyes how Jungkook gave him a soft smile.

"Hi", he said, voice rough and gravelly, "Glad to see you're alright".

"I wish I could say the same thing about you", the merman sniffled, running his hand through he boy's matted hair that was sticking together from blood, "I heard you lost control for a while".

"Jimin was there to hold me back", the werewolf spoke up, leaning against Taehyung's side now. He hummed in pleasure as he felt nice tingles shooting up his body by the contact.

Jimin chuckled, though his face stood grim, "Yeah and he was a real pain in the ass".

"I'm never letting you out of my sight again", Taehyung swallowed the lump in his throat, tears still shimmering in his eyes.

"I'm fine with that", Jungkook smiled and then dropped his head on the merman's shoulder, closing his eyes to take a quick nap. The more he rested, the sooner his wounds would be gone.

It was silent for a moment, the team members either staring at each other or at each other.

"So... What now?"


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