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Taehyung was the first one to awaken again. He had been tossing and turning in his sleep, which effectively made him wake up, especially after feeling the pain shoot up his spine by the things they had done not too long ago.

He groaned when he hoisted himself out of bed. The shirt and boxers that were on the ground were quickly snatched and put back on his body. With wobbly legs he sauntered downstairs, excited to hear that everyone was awake. But something made him freeze in the middle of the stairway, something he wished he hadn't heard.

"Good thing that Taehyung saved our asses, we wouldn't have survived that fight", Yoongi grunted when Jin put some ointment on his wounds, "How did he even do it?"

"I guess it was his survival instinct that kicked in", Jimin replied, watching the other's frown at his words. He sighed, "Ever since Jungkook marked Taehyung they have been bonded as true mates. This means if either of them dies, the other does too".

Taehyung sucked in a sharp breath. No way. That can't be.

"So you mean that if they had pierced through Jungkook's heart, Taehyung would be dead as well?", Yoongi asked, face growing red at the mere thought, "But he doesn't feel anything about the bond?"

Jimin let out a deep sigh again, "I have no clue. Maybe it only works the other way. If Taehyung gets hurt Jungkook does too".

"Good thing the other team didn't know. They could have just easily went for Taehyung and killed two people at the same time", Jin spoke up, putting a plaster on one of Yoongi's wounds.

Taehyung was still frozen in place, thoughts running through his head when the door to the hallway opened. The former merman didn't even think when he turned around and rushed upstairs, wanting nothing but answers right now.

He stormed into the bedroom, the door angrily slamming against the wall when Taehyung stepped through the doorway. Jungkook was already in the progress of waking up.

"Taehyung?", he asked, his voice still a bit husky from sleep. He noticed the angry expression on his mate's face and his heart picked up its pace. He could actually feel the fury rushing through his mate, the feeling affecting him as well.

"You-", Taehyung started, finger already angrily jabbing towards the werewolf as he took a few steps closer towards the bed, "You absolute idiot!"

The werewolf jerked back when Taehyung jumped onto the bed. "What did I do?", he asked, his voice a bit hopeless when he felt the never-ending stream of feelings that came from Taehyung.

"This", Taehyung yelled, now pointing at the bite mark that was prominent on his shoulder, "If I die, you die!?"

Jungkook's eyes immediately widened and his heart sank, knowing that Taehyung had put two and two together. "Baby-"

The former merman angrily shook his head, "No- don't use that word right now! What the fuck Jungkook? You could have told me beforehand!"

"You would have never agreed to it!", the werewolf barked back, his knuckles turning white from clutching the sheets. He didn't want to get angry at his mate, because there wasn't anything to get angry about. But Taehyung's anger aimed at him, made his body fill with anger as well, something that wasn't too good.

"Of course I wouldn't have. You die when I die? Like- what's the fucking benefit?"

Jungkook huffed, trying his hardest to keep calm. His body was swarming with anger, and the anger wasn't even his own, "I wanted to mark you Taehyung-"

"Why!?", the boy yelled, hands thrown into the air.

"Because it's what werewolves do, it's in our nature. And I don't care if I fucking die with you. The world is meaningless without you anyway", Jungkook snapped, having enough of the pointless conversation. There was nothing that could be done anyway. The mark couldn't be reversed.

Taehyung's mouth immediately clamped shut at that, words faltering at what he just had heard. "You- you can't just say stuff like that".

"Baby, you know I love you", Jungkook spoke, his eyes had softened and his voice was now barely a whisper.

Taehyung shuffled closer to the bed, his shoulders now hanging low when he realized how he had lost his point. "I- I guess I didn't realize just how far you'd go-"

Jungkook watched as the boy carefully sat down onto the bed, "Please don't be mad about the mark. It's a sign of my love for you, something that's never ending".

"It's just- I'm such an easy target to kill. You're so strong", the former merman spoke, shivering when two strong arms wrapped around his waist and pulled him closer. He was dragged onto Jungkook's firm body without any complaint.

The werewolf finally smiled when he came face to face with a frowning Taehyung, "I'm strong so I can protect you. That's my purpose".

"No- I can't be your purpose. You have to live for something-", Taehyung began, lip starting to wobble at the emotional words his mate was carelessly spewing.

"I live for you Taehyung. It's in my nature, this is what werewolves do when they find their mate, when they imprint on someone. Their mate becomes their purpose. You can't stop me from protecting you".

Taehyung huffed, shuffling slightly on the boy's lap. He had his arms crossed and his eyes casted downwards, not entirely happy with the conclusion of their conversation".

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"It's finally finished".

Everyone stared at the glass bottle the scientist was holding. No one seemed impressed and Namjoon immediately sighed, "This isn't the only bottle we have. The rest is downstairs".

Everyone's mouths fell open and a series of Oooh and Seems more like it were heard. Hoseok rolled his eyes at the others' reactions, "Okay, so, the only thing we need to do is make sure the mutants get drenched in it".

"And how do we do that?"

"We had a few ideas", Namjoon spoke up, "There's a fire station not too far from here. If we could steal a fire truck and add a few drops of this in the water basin, we should be able to spray some mutants along the way".

Hoseok enthusiastically nodded, "Namjoon is going to try dump water from the sky on everyone he spots". The others still looked conflicted.

"And we thought Taehyung could maybe try using his powers to send waves of water through the streets", Namjoon added, eyes going over to the former merman.

Yoongi immediately butted in, "And what do we do when the mutants get drenched? What if they turn human but immediately get bitten again?"

"We thought about that already", Hoseok instantly replied, "We called the authorities, thank god they still use the regular telephone number, and they promised to round up everyone who got sprayed. This way they can check who turned and get them to safety".

"We also let them know I'll be coming to them with some bottles of this cure so they can do their part as well", Namjoon the added.

Yoongi snorted, "What are they going to do? Fill water guns with it?"

"I think so, yeah".

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