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Jungkook was quite amused at the way the mutants were practically skidding across the streets, soaked by the hard hit of water that came from the hose. The werewolf was standing on top of the red vehicle, feeling like he could take on the entire world. And in theory, they were taking on the entire world- especially the mutant world.

Somewhere in the corner of his eye he could see Namjoon flying through the sky, literally raining on everyone's parade. He sometimes flew back to the pool that he had dropped some potion into, filling up his bucket so he could start dropping water on them again.

Taehyung was doing the toughest job out of everyone. He was stood on the highest building in town, which was impressive on itself since he had a slight fear of heights. Living in the ocean for many years kind of made him used to sea level.

He was pushing a big wave of water through the streets, his arms nearly shaking by the concentration that was needed. He had popped a water basin nearby and used the water to round up mutants and soak them in water before the army pushed them into closed off areas. It would take a few hours- maybe a day to get them to change back into their original human form. And there was still a lot of ground to cover.

The people in Pohang had been informed about the new situation and every person available was told to grab anything that could hold water in it. Soon enough the population of people in the city started to grow again, the cure working its way through mutants.

Children and parents embraced, sisters and brothers cried in each other's arms, the whole city was being united thanks to the cure made by the two scientists. There still was a lot to do, they had only been able to clear a small portion of the mutants. Only this one city had been cleared, but as far as they knew, the rest of the country, or world, was still a horrible wasteland.

At least now they could defend themselves, they could even attack. They could change these horrible mutants back into their human form and that brough hope. And really, hope was everything that was needed, and it had been lost for a long time.

"I took a sample from a former mutant", Hoseok declared when he walked towards the group, "Looked it over and made a stunning discovery".

He got out a small notebook and flipped it over, "If I'm correct, this mutant changing thing is somewhat like the chicken-pox".

A deep frown was now etched into Jungkook's face, "Hoseok, this was nothing like the chicken-pox".

"I know that, let me finish talking before you start judging", the scientist retorted, clicking his tongue in annoyance, "As I was saying, it shares a common factor with the chicken-pox, that being that once someone gets it and is healed from it, the person can never get it again".

"What". Was the answer quick to follow his statement. "You're telling me that most of the people here can't get infected again?"

"But we can".

"Well yes but I figured something out-", Hoseok quickly said, pulling out another document, "What if we make vaccines against this disease? People will be protected from it for a long time".

"Is that possible?", Namjoon asked, coming over to stand next to the scientist so he could check out the details himself, "That's amazing".

It took a long time to perfect, but that was alright, because it took a long time for everything to fall somewhat back into place. People returned back to their houses, funerals were held for the people that had gotten killed, and slowly light returned in everyone's eyes.

The wall around Pohang was still there, serving as a monument for the generations to come. If anything were to happen again, Pohang would be a fortress, protecting everyone from impending doom.

The seven men had been awarded with medals and the newly formed government had offered them money but they had refused. They didn't want the government spending money on them when the population was still suffering from lack of food and water.

They retreated to where they had first met each other and build their places there. Jungkook and Taehyung got a house of their own, with just enough rooms to make their shared dream possible. The other five decided to live together for the time being, so used to being around each other that being apart would feel almost wrong. They lived closed to the other two and occasionally (or rather most of the time) annoyed the two lovebirds until they were thrown back out.

"Ariel! You got legs!?", Bobby yelled out, little arms now tightly wrapped around Taehyung's thigh. Lily casually strolled outside, eyes locking with Jungkook's amused ones. "Took you long enough", she spoke, bumping her shoulder against the werewolf's arm, "Was starting to get worried you forgot about us".

"We'd never".

Their parents hadn't survived, starved to death in their basement, and so Taehyung and Jungkook took them into their newfound family. They didn't care about being called 'dad' or not. Both of the children were smart enough to know that their parents were gone and Jungkook and Taehyung weren't going to be exact replacements.

But they were fine with their new place. They were welcomed in a new family. This family was maybe a bit stranger than the others, seeing as one fourth of the family was wolf, and another fourth of their family was a former fish. But both Lily and Bobby had no complaints as they found themselves snuggled up in their very own rooms, feeling protected and warm by the loud laughs coming from downstairs as Taehyung and Jungkook were washing the dishes.

Life wasn't the best, but it was good, and good was all that was needed.


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