J-Dog × Reader -No Way!

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Today was the wedding of your best friend and crush.

Yep, I'm talking about Jorel Decker.

He's going to marry Vanessa James.

You actually didn't dislike her, she was funny and pretty, so you understood why he fell for her.

But still... It did hurt you...

~Timeskip to the actual wedding~

Tears started to well up in your eyes.

Reese, Danny's wife, hugged you from the side.

You closed your eyes, and you listened carefully to what she would say.

"...Actually... No..." she said, and you looked shocked. She also looked at you, but she smiled.

"I think there is someone else who's better for you..." she said, and Jorel first frowned, but then he also smiled.

"I saw how you looked at her... I think you deserve her..." she said walking up to you now.

"I think you'll need this, (y/n)..." she slipped her wedding ring on your finger, and then she pushed you gently out of the row taking your seat.

"Vanessa..." you said and then you walked to Jorel, who smiled at you.

"First off, I want to thank Vanessa for doing that... It was really tough saying that in front of so many people. Because it would be very stupid to have a relationship that doesn't even work out." he said, and then he took your hands.

"But I also want to thank this beautiful person right here, for always being there for me... I love you, not just as a best friend, more than that... And... I wanted to ask if you make me the pleasing honor of being my wife?" he said and all your tears streamed out.

"Sure... YES! OF COURSE!" you said and you kissed him.

"You're now wife and husband..." the priest said and everyone was cheering. Especially Vanessa, who also cried... But because of happiness...

"MISTER AND MISSES J-DOG!!!" Jordon screamed and everyone started laughing. (Look what I did there XD Just like when Jorel proposed to Vanessa XD)

You had to laugh, because this was so unexpected.

In the end you and Jay got to cut cake, dance and just being happy. And eventually, you send your parents a message;

You: "Hey mum! I just got married! XD No joke!"

Your mum: "WHAT?! WHO ON EARTH?!"

You: "Jorel"

Your mum: "But I thought he married someone else..."

You: "He was going to, but it's a long story... I'll explain later!"

Your mum: "Oh, okay! Well then, congratulations sweetie! I wish I was there... But well... See you soon Mrs. Decker!"

You: "Bye, love you!"

You sighted feeling great, but still you felt kinda guilty...

"Vanessa... I feel so guilty... This was supposed to be you day..." you said to her.

"No way, (y/n)! I knew you two fit together... Besides I kinda fell in love with the hottie from the club!" she said and giggled.

"Oh, if it's so...!" you laughed.

"Okay, I have to go now... But have a nice evening, (y/n)! I'll text you!" she said walking away.

You sighted in relief.

"And? How are you feeling babe?" Jay came and slung his arm around your shoulder.

"Great" you said and you took a sip from your champagne you held in your hand.

"I'm happy how things turned out... And I'm glad us three are still friends..." he said and kissed you.

"You feelin' good Mrs. J-Dog?" Jordon said and he grinned cocky.

"Yeah!" you smiled.


"Hey (y/n)!" Theresa said while having Danny with her.

"Hey Danny, Reese..." Jay and you said.

"I wanted to congratulate you!" she said and hugged you, while Danny did the same.

"Thank you!" you said hugging them back.

"No prob sweetheart!" she said now.

After that everyone else also congratulated to you and Jay...

It was the perfect day!


Heyyy! I'm sorry for not updating! I just didn't know what to write, and somehow no one wants to request! XD

Fun Fact: I always had the desire to write "Wedding" wrong, and write "Weeding"! XD

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