J-Dog × Reader - Let's bake!

937 25 16

Soooo... Someone requested again! (I actually kinda forced @IrisiRussi to request again... Sorry^^) Enjoy it anyways!


You wanted to bake cookies for Jorel, because he was working so hard on his album with HU.

So you took out all the "tools" you needed to bake them.

"What cha' doin' babe?" you felt his arms sneak around your waist.

"Baking your favorite cookies..." you said kissing his cheek.

"Oh! The one's with the chocolate chips?!" he asked excited and you nodded smiling at him.

"Let's do them together then!" he said grinning.

"Haha, sure... If you don't mind..." you said looking into his beautiful brown eyes.

You got the chocolate, cutting it with a knife.

Since you denied buying expensive chocolate chips and just mixing them together with the dough, you always bought simple cheap bitter chocolate, cutting them into small pieces, so it feels like it's more from your heart.

When you were finished with cutting, you saw Jay slightly having problems with doing the dough.

You giggled "You need help over there?"

He blushed "N-No! I can do it!"

He tried handling the mixer, but it ended up with Jay having the dough on his clothes and his face.

You couldn't stop laughing, what made Jorel look annoyed, but soon he also had to laugh.

"Get your clothes into the washing machine and clean your face, I'll do the dough!" you laughed and he nodded getting to the bathroom.

When you finished making the dough and mixing it together with your chocolate chips, you started forming them into little balls. (Balls!😂)

When you heard heavy footsteps, you looked up and saw a showered Jorel smiling at you.

"You need help forming?" he asked sitting next to you.

"That would be nice, thank you..." you said kissing him.

"No prob!"

You finished forming the balls (...( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)...) and you put them into the oven for 25 minutes.

While the cookies were baking, it kinda turned out that you and Jay made out.

When your phone alarm made noises, you two jumped a little.

"Cookies!" you two said at the same time.

Jay took out a big plate and you placed the cookies on it.

You had to wait about 10 minutes, so the cookies could cool down.

The 10 minutes passed by like nothing and you and Jay were excited like little kids to eat the cookies.

"They taste amazing! You're just the best at making these!" Jorel said taking more.

"Haha thanks, but I probably wouldn't even be finished by now if someone didn't help me..." you said kissing him again.

He broke the kiss saying "I love you, (y/n)..."

"I love you too, Jay..." you replied smiling.


I actually like the One-Shot^^ Thanks again to @IrisiRussi for requesting something!^^


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