Da Kurlzz × Reader -Stuck And Suddenly You Knew My Whole Life Story

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This was requested by undead_soldiers!^^

I hope you're kind of happy with what I've created!^^

Also, I'm sorry for the late update!😖

You were forced by your friends to go to a party you didn't want to go.

It was horrible.

Everywhere drunk perverts and girls that wore dresses that revealed to much for your liking.

You decided to go, leaving your friends here.

You stamped your way to the elevator, obviously wanting to get out of there really quick.

Pressing the "🔻" button, you waited until it was down.

You thought it was the first floor, when a man with black, curly hair entered the small room.

You backed slightly away, smiling at him and seeing he pressed the same button as you.

He smiled back, also waiting for the first floor.

Suddenly the elevator stopped and the doors didn't open.

"Shit..." you heard him mumble.

"Seems like we're stuck in here" he grinned while sheepishly scratching the back of his head.

"Ah! This night gets better and better!" you sarcastically laughed while he chuckled.

"You know, I'm not a bad person, unlike those idiots from that party..." he grinned.

"Haha, I didn't mean you... It's just that I was forced to go to this party by my friends and I hated it... It's good to know, that I'm not the only one thinking like this about the party!" you giggled.

He nodded, sitting down and mentioning you to sit down beside him.

You did as said and you looked at him.

"So, because it seems like we will be here for a while, we should get to know each other..." he said while sticking out his hand.

You shook his hand, blushing a little.

"I'm Matthew... Matt, for short..."

"(y/n), nice to meet you..." you said, taking back your hand.


You and Matt held a really long conversation, but you hoped, that the elevator would soon work again.

It's not like you didn't like Matthew, he was nice and all, it's just that he was a complete stranger and you were super tired.

He noticed how your eyelids were always slowly closing, but they opened really quickly again.

"Hey, you okay?" he asked and you nodded.

"I'm just really tired..." you said, while pressing your bare hand to your forehead.

"I can see" he laughed and you giggled along.

"Don't worry, we'll get out of here pretty soon... I'm sure... And if you're too tired, I'm always willing cuddle you to sleep" he joked flirtatious and you giggled again.

"Thank you" you said and your head hit his shoulder and he looked at you, blushing.

He wrapped his arms around you.

"You know... You're pretty kind and funny" Matthew said and you looked up to him.

"Really? Thank you, you're also not a bad guy!" you winked.

You stayed like this until you fully fell asleep.


"(y/n)... Wake up... We're out of the elevator..." someone said with a husky voice.

You opened your eyes, and you felt that you were being carried.

You blushed, but you didn't say anything.

"Are you here with a car?"

You shook your head.

"Okay... So I guess, I'll drive ya home..." he grinned and you smiled.

After he placed you in his car, he immediately started the engine.

You were still tired, but you decided to watch all the houses and the buildings pass by.

You felt him place his hand on your thigh.

"You know, I forgot to ask you where you live..." he chuckled.

You wanted to tell him where you lived, but there was a lump in your throat that stopped you from talking.

"C-Can I maybe stay at your place...?" you asked and he looked confused but he decided to agree.

"Ah sure, but why? You seem... insecure..." he said, trying to comfort you.

"W-Well... I usually live with my boyfriend... but... we had a huge fight... and I'm scared to go back..." you said shaking and he placed the hand that was on your thigh on your shoulder.

"Really? Of course you can stay me!" he said giving you a reassuring smile.

You felt relieved, finally being able to get that topic off your chest and just leaving everything behind.


And that's how you met Matthew, your soulmate and boyfriend of 2 years now.

After you drove to his home, you had a full on conversation about your life's while drinking alcohol.

You didn't get drunk though.

Because also that night, you got to your home, packing all your things and leaving your ex boyfriend without a single word.

"What I wouldn't do to leave this hell..." you said, while nipping at your beer bottle.

"What's stopping us?" he asked.

"Us?" you laughed.

"I'm serious... Let's leave this place... forever..."

"Okay" you answered.

(did anyone get that life is strange before the storm reference?)

It didn't take long for you to stuff your luggage and all the things you could need into his car.

Slowly driving off, you felt ecstasy.

You felt nostalgic.

You felt so badass, as if you would run away from home.

Well, you basically did, just not from your parents.

And you weren't a teenager anymore.

You collected all those feelings.

Of course, you and Matt weren't the angels that didn't break rules.

You drank alcohol and you smoked weed.

Also, you had the best make out sessions, and having sex in a car makes you feel gangsta.

Life couldn't get better.


His thumbs drew soothing circles on your thigh, as you sat on his lap, just enjoying the cuddling.



"I love you"

"I love you too, babe..."


sorry for the late update... again😓☹️

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