Everyone × Reader -We Would Never Forget

532 20 37

This was requested by undeadliisa!

I'm sorry that it came late, how you (obviously) saw, I had to finish some other requests!

I hope you still enjoy!

Today was your birthday.

So being the excited person you were, you jumped down happily in your pajamas, hoping for the scent of pancakes.

But as you arrived, you didn't smell anything and your promised birthday party wasn't there either.

You looked through the living room door, but everything seemed as usual.

Danny seemed to hand out plates for breakfast on the table.

Jorel was looking at some pictures of you showering... Wait what?! Okay, I gotta talk to him about that later!

Dylan was watching TV.

Jordon and Matty held a silly argument.

And George was phoning Ava, since she was with her mother, who lived in Tennessee.

You sighed, trying to put on your best fake smile.

"Good morning, guys!" you jumped through the door frame, maybe they would notice.

"Hey, (y/n)..." they all responded groggily, like any other day.

Except for Danny, he always smiled and waved at you.

You just decided to brush it off and sit down.

"Soo... Do you know what day it is?" you smiled cheekily.

"It's Saturday" Dylan simply said, not taking his eyes off of the TV.

"Ah... Okay..." you mumbled, being upset.

You looked down at the plate that just came out of the dishwasher.

It reflected your disappointed mixed with a hint of pain expression.

It really hurt.

You were friends with them for a while now, and they never missed your birthday.

Maybe they're just stressed out from work?

When everyone was gathered around the table, you decided to bring up the topic again.

"So, is anyone free of you guys? Maybe we could hang out toge-!"

"(y/n) what is wrong with you? You're never like this! Didn't you know, that we're working on our album right now? It's really stressful, you know? Can't you shut up for 2 minutes?!" Matty shouted, it seemed like he was really pissed.

Tears brought it to your eyes and you stood up, leaving the food you took a few bites of on the plate.

Without thinking, you ran outside of the house, just wanting to get away from these guys.

Not even Danny ran after you, and he always did that when you cried.


"Dude, don't you think you went a little bit too far?" Jorel asked Matty, who scratched the back of his neck.

"Maybe I did... Shit, I feel so sorry for her... Why did I have to do this? If you did it, she maybe wouldn't have ran away..." Matthew asked Jorel.


"Because it's typical for you to be in a shitty mood..." he answered.

"Yeah, but even if I'm in a bad mood, I would never harm her, I love her too much for that..." Jorel stated.

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