J-Dog × Reader -Why Did You Hide It From Me?

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This was a request from Ellerelly!^^

Hope you enjoy!~💜🌙✨🌈


Jorel shifted around in his bunk, feeling oddly uncomfortable.

He couldn't sleep because he's been texting you constantly for two days and you haven't answered yet.

'Goddamn it, what's she doing? I'm so worried...' he thought impatient as he grabbed his phone from under his pillow.


Jay💜: hey babe, pls text me back i'm hella worried about you love u |03:56

Jay💜: i'm serious |03:56

Jay💜: babe pls |03:57


He was scared and decided to type in your number and call you.

"Please leave a message after-!" he pressed the red hang up button.

It didn't surprise him.

He sunk back into the small bed and noticed that the bus started moving again.

It actually kind of calmed him the way it moved.

He heard something from outside of the bunk, so he decided to see who made the noises.

It was Danny making himself something to eat(?).

It was more like a question to Jorel, because his eyes had to adjust themselves to the darkness.

"Danny? What you doin'?" he asked as he rubbed his face.

"Oh sorry for waking you up Jay, I was kinda hungry and decided to make myself something to eat..."

"Nah you didn't wake me up... I haven't slept the whole time until now..."

"Is it about (y/n)?"


"You wanna talk about it?"


The two men sat down at one of the tables.

Jorel seemed rather distracted by the moving outside.

He had no clue where they were right now, but he didn't care because he only wanted to see you and make sure everything is fine.

"You okay?" Danny asked as he put his spoon down.

"No... I'm not... I've been texting her since two days straight now, and she hasn't answered yet... I also tried to call her, but of course she doesn't answer that either..."

"Maybe we should go back and see her?"

"No, we can't just cancel all the upcoming concerts we have this week... I mean, it's only one week to go now, maybe she just turned her phone off..." Jorel said, trying to comfort himself by thinking the best.

Danny just shrugged and continued on eating whatever he mixed together.

Suddenly Jorel's phone buzzed and he looked down to see you calling.

He was more than happy and answered immediately, but he was slightly frightened when he heard any other voice but yours.

"Hello, is this Jorel Decker?" a female voice asked.

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