Artist!Danny × Artist!Reader × Artist!J-Dog - You're My Favorite Work

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This was requested by nobodysman.


You loooved drawing and painting.

It was basically your life.

Everyone out of your family could draw perfectly, but you were the best.

Well, now you are.

Your grandmother used to be famous with her paintings, and you adored her for that.

You wanted to reach the same goal, just by creating your own art style.

You were painting every single day.

You had your own blog, having a big community that supported your drawings and paintings.

You also supported two other artists, called "Daniel Rose Murillo" and "Jorel Decker".

These two were best friends, but they had such an different art style.

You had to give in, that you may or not crush on one boy.


~Your P.O.V.~

I was making myself ready for a drawing competition.

I did my usual morning routine and put on my favorite clothes.

Being ready I rushed to my car, starting the engine.

When I arrived, I saw a tiny group standing in front of my car.

I stepped outside, hearing them squeal my name.

I smiled.

This was my community.

They loved the work I was doing.

"(y/n)! Can you give me a signature in my book!" one of the girls asked and I nodded, giving a short 'sure'.

I gave my signature and drew a little sketch.

When I was finished I noticed two also to familiar signatures.


These two are here too?!?

Omg. Omg. Omg.

I need to tell them how much I appreciate their art!

As I gave more signatures, I rushed inside the building that held the competition.

I tried to find one of the boys, and I already spotted the first one.

He was drinking something while talking to the staff.

I ran to him, tapping his shoulder.

He turned around, giving me that sunshine smile I adored.

"Danny Murillo?"

"Yes, (y/n) (l/n)?"

I smiled cutely at him.

"I just wanted to stop by and tell you, how much I appreciate your art! I love to look at it everyday and it inspires (infires) me!"

He smiled and "awwe"-ed at me, while taking me into a loving embrace.

I blushed hugging him back.

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