Everyone × Reader - The Battle (Part 2) (Danny's Date)

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You sat in your bedroom, thinking about what you should wear tomorrow... Or should I say you're thinking about what you should wear the whole week... This week is going to be really busy and stressful... You have to go on a date with 5 dudes, and at the end you have to decide who will be "the one"...

The first member you're going on a date with is going to be Danny.

Tuesday it's Jorel's turn.

Wednesday it's Dylan.

Thursday George.

And last, Jordon, he has Friday...

This will be great... Especially when it's Friday... This is the typical 'Hey, let's go party!'- day...

For Danny, you picked out a simple dress and a (f/c) swimsuit, because he thought it would be a great idea to go to the beach, so you gave in and you agreed.

You went to sleep and you couldn't wait for Monday.

Finally waking up, you took your clothes and you went to the bathroom, simply showering, taking on the clothes and putting on your make-up (If you don't wear make-up, then imagine you didn't do that XD).

When you were ready, you waited outside, because Danny said he would pick you up.

When you saw a car stopping in front of your house, you walked up and you sat inside.

You were greeted by a warm smile and a hug.

Of course you hugged him back, but it was unusual for you to embrace a male person, because you were used to your '4 female children'.

"Hey, Danny... How are you?" you asked pulling back and he smiled, turning on the car again.

"Great, what about you?" he asked and started driving.

"Also. Just a little bit stressed out because I gotta get ready for four more dates, you know?" you said, while laughing.

"Yeah... I totally understand you... If these dorks wouldn't have asked you out on a date either, everything would be a lot easier..." he said and sighed and you laughed again.

After 5 minutes, you had a view on the beach and you looked excited at it.

Danny noticed this and he chuckled while blushing, because you were so adorable.

When he parked the car, the two of you got outside and you helped him carrying the bags he brought, to a shady (Haha, get it? SHADY? No? Okay...), but also sunny place.

Packing out the stuff, you decided to take off your clothes, revealing your swimsuit.

Danny blushed, but did the same, so you wouldn't feel uncomfortable.

"(y/n)...?" Danny asked, looking down.

You looked at him, waiting for him to say something.

Suddenly, you were picked up and thrown into the water.

You screamed.

"AH! DANNY! YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT! MOTHERFCKER!" you yelled at him and he laughed.

"Just wait... You're totally getting it back..." you mumbled under your breath.

You took him by his torso, and you threw him also in the water.

He quickly went for breath and looked at you like a lost puppy.

"Oh no! Don't look at me like this, Daniel Rose Murillo! That was just my revenge!" you said while giggling.

He smiled at you and then he was also laughing.

You played a little bit more in the water, until you noticed that you should better get out.

"Danny, we should better get out now... It's getting a little bit darker... And I'm definitely not in the mood for landing at a haunted island!" you laughed and he did too, but his smile faded.

"But... It isn't even that late... It's actually 4pm... Could it be, that it's going to rain?" he said and you noticed the dark grey clouds.

"I think it's not going to rain," you said and he looked confused at you, "a thunderstorm is probably going to show up!", when you said that, the two of you ran out of the water and you quickly grabbed the umbrella you brought.

You decided to take on the dress again, just in case if it would get cold.

He went to his clothes also, and then you just sat there... with the umbrella, watching the heavy rain.

"Should we go back to the car?" Danny asked and you nodded, standing up.

When you got back to the car, you sat in and he drove you back home.

When you arrived at your home, you looked at him and you embraced him again and you smiled.

"Thanks for the great afternoon, Danny..." you said and he blushed again, while sneaking his arms around your waist.

"No problem, (y/n)..." he said and you pulled back from the hug, taking your bag and your umbrella.

"Bye, Danny! See you soon!" you said and he waved at you.

You ran back inside, and when Danny made sure you were safely in your house, he also drove back home.

You sighed, that was a good start... But how would be tomorrow? Hopefully Jorel will be a gentleman just like Danny...

You went to sleep.


Thx for 1,7k reads... ♥

Hope you like it, @hlm_jdog!

I decided to make more parts of it, so it'll be probably 4 more parts + the end part where the reader has to choose between a band member!

Bye, luv you!♥


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