Danny × Reader -Now He's In Better Hands

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hey yo, this is no request!

But still enjoy!

Btw, this is all written in Reese's point of view, because I wanted to try something with my writing skills.

Tell me your feedback!

Btw, this was also inspired by DoomFlower1's One-Shot called "Let Go"! Go check out her/his/their book, it's really good, even if it's over!


~Reese's P.O.V.~

I nervously walked through these halls, searching for one certain boy.

I walked and walked, til I found him standing by the altar.

I felt a little hurt in my heart, because I used to stand there... With him...

I was insecure, if I should be an adult and talk to him, or if I should run away like a child and cry in my car.

I then had the courage, to tell him my feelings.

I tapped his shoulder, being more nervous.

With a shocked face, he wanted to go past me, but I held his wrist.

"Please, don't turn away... I don't want to hurt you... not anymore... I know I did shit to you, and I could've done better... I tried to leave the past behind, but I couldn't stop thinking of you... I didn't want it to end like this... I wanted to let you know, that I still love you..." I started tearing up.

"Theresa, please... You know, that I love-..." he wanted to talk, but I interrupted him.

"Wait, I'm not finished! I know that you love (y/n), and I don't want to destroy anything between the two of you... I just came by to apologize and wish the best for your guys' future... I know that she's the one for you and that you're in the right hands now... Please, don't make the same mistakes I did to you... Don't hurt her, she's gorgeous and you'll never find someone like her again... I bet she's really happy to have you..." I cried while smiling.

He also smiled and gave me a short hug.

"Thanks Theresa... I really appreciate your concern and that you care about my and her well-being... You're still very sweet and strong, just like I met you. And don't worry, I won't hurt her, she's my life..."

I smiled at his sweet words and how lovely he talks about her... You can definitely see how much he loves her, when he talks about her.

We grinned at each other, until we got interrupted by a little boy running towards Danny.


"(s/n)! What's going on?" he took the about 5 year old boy on his arm and smiled.

"When is it finally going to start?! You don't believe how pretty mommy looks in her dress!" the little boy named (s/n) said and I giggled.

I saw how Danny blushed about the thought of her.

"I bet she looks beautiful... Uh... Reese," that was the first time he called me like that since maybe 9 years, "this is (s/n), my son..."

I smiled at him, "Hey, I'm Reese... One of your dad's friends..."

He returned my gesture, but soon he found his way back, probably to (y/n).

"Well, I better go... I don't want to ruin your special day... Good Luck for the future." I said and Danny waved at me.

When I walked to the parking lot, I felt relieved, but not satisfied enough about my behavior.

Maybe, I will just wait, until the wedding is over.

Then I'll go to the after-party and give (y/n) also an apology.


I looked through the window, trying to look if the after-party started.

Good, it did.

To be honest, I really didn't wanna see the ceremony, since it would only break my heart.

When I walked in, I already found (y/n) dancing with Danny and her son.

She looked stunning in her white dress... But when I looked closely, I saw a bump.

She's pregnant, again!

I walked closer to her, noticing she felt uncomfortable, seeing me.

"Hey, Theresa..." she smiled awkwardly.

"Hi, (y/n)... I just wanted to tell you, that I want to apologize for being so childish and treating you like dirt... You really didn't deserve it and I saw a wrong picture of you... You have to know, that I adore you and that you're so sweet and kind. I hurt Danny, and I really don't want you to hurt him too... Please take good care of him. I hope that in future, we can be friends and understand each other..."

She smiled and nodded.

Then my gaze wandered down to her bump.

"I wish you the best for the future... And of course that your child will be healthy, when it's born... Is it a boy, or a girl? And do you know a name?"

"It's a girl, and her name will be probably Scarlett or Eve... We don't know yet..." she said.

"That sounds adorable... Well, it was really nice meeting you and that we made up... Good bye, (y/n)!" I hugged her.

"Bye, Theresa!" she hugged me back.

Seems like it was good to choose talking to them.

Now I even won a new friend.


Look who's a little bit more into the mood of making One-Shots today! :D

Tell me, how you thought it was!

Btw, look at how small this tomato is!😍🍅

Btw, look at how small this tomato is!😍🍅

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