Everyone × Reader - The Battle (Part 3) (Jorel's Date)

503 14 11

(f/f) = favorite flower

(c/n/n) = cute nickname


Tuesday! Yay...!

You woke up and for some reason, you were kinda nervous...

You had thoughts like; "What will he think of me?" or "Does he even want to go on a date with me?"...

You wondered why you had those thoughts... Because yesterday, you absolutely didn't have those feelings with Danny, you felt completely comfortable around him.


Jorel texted you yesterday that he's just going to take you out for dinner... And with dinner, he meant Taco Bell, or something vegetarian, because he didn't eat meat anymore.

So, you took on some shorts, a (f/c) crop top and a dark grey jacket.

You made your hair into a ponytail/braid/s/bun.

You put on your make-up, as usual (Again, if you don't wear any make-up, then you didn't apply it XD).

You waited outside for a car again, and surprisingly, the same car as yesterday parked in front of your door.

You said your goodbye's to your friends and then you went outside to the car.

Sitting inside, you were greeted by a half smirk that was drawn on Jorel's face.

"Hey, (y/n)..." he said pressing his lips on your cheek, making you blush.

"H-Hey, J-Jorel..." you stuttered and he chuckled.

"Are we a little bit shy today?" he said, while starting to drive and you laughed.

"Haha, I didn't expect you to be so flirtatious today... Because I thought you would be fed up as always..." you laughed and he chuckled again.

"Well, I change for some woman if I want to..." he said and his half smirk was back again.

"Well... If you say so..." you said, while noticing that he seemed to be in a really good mood today.

He wore his cap turned around and his usual red-back plaid shirt.

You giggled.

"What are you laughing about?" he asked and you giggled again.

"Nothing, it's just that you're wearing this kind of clothes all the time, and I think it's adorable..." you said and now it was his turn to blush.

"T-Thanks... I guess?" he said confused.

You laughed and you patted his shoulder, "You're welcome..." you giggled.

When you arrived, you noticed that you were at Mc Donald's and you went outside.

"Hm... I didn't think that we would went to Mc Donald's..." you mumbled but enough for Jorel to hear.

"You don't like Mc Donald's? I didn't know that, if you want we can go and-!" you cut him off, "No! I just didn't expect that we would go here, because you know, I thought you stopped eating meat..." you said and looked at him.

"Oh! Well, I did stop. But sometimes, I think we just need to give ourselves a break and do something else, so I thought it would be a great idea to go to Mc Donald's!" he laughed and you laughed along with him.

"Well, that makes sense... So, should we go inside?" you asked and he nodded, taking your hand.

You went inside and the woman that worked there took your order.

You decided to take your food to the car, because you two wanted to have your privacy.

Driving to the beach, you had the luck that you were alone.

Eating the food you chose, you heard some music and you kinda cuddled in his side.

When you finished, you kinda got sleepy and you dozed off in his arms.

He looked at you and chuckled.

"You're honestly to cute, (y/n)..." he whispered and moved you to your seat, so he could drive you home.

In the middle of the drive, you woke up and you looked outside and you noticed that Jorel was driving in a completely different way.

"Where are we driving?" you asked and he looked at you, but immediately looked back at the road again.

"Oh, you woke up... I decided to drive a little bit further to the beach, so maybe we can go for a walk or something..." he said and you said a little 'Alright...' while smiling.

He stopped driving and he parked his car.

Stepping out of the car you stumbled a bit, because you weren't moving your legs in a time.

You almost fell, but Jay catched you in the right moment.

"You okay?" he asked and you nodded.

You walked at the beach for a while now and sometimes you would hold hands.

It seemed like Jay was a little nervous when doing this action, but soon he relaxed when he noticed that you were completely fine with it.

"Look, (y/n)! There's a pretty (f/f)!" he said and he picked it up.

You giggled and he put the (f/f) in your hair.

"You look beautiful..." he said while blushing.

"Thank you..." you said, also blushing.

After a while, you decided to walk back to his car, because it was getting dark.

Driving back to your home, you took your things and you embraced him.

"Thanks for this beautiful day, Jay..." you said and he blushed at the nickname.

"You're welcome, and for me it was an honor of taking a pretty lady like you out on this day..." he said and you blushed now, while smiling softly at him.

"Bye, Jay..." you said and he smiled.

"Bye, (c/n/n)..." he said and you waved while closing the door and he drove away.

You went back inside and you greeted your friends and then you immediately went to sleep again.

What a beautiful day...


I really like this chapter...

Next chapter is going to be out soon!


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