Everyone × Reader - The Battle (Part 6) (Jordon's Date)

465 15 12

(f/d) = favorite drink

You sat at the bar, watching Charlie as he made out with a... how should you say it? Slut.

You sat there, crying... This was supposed to be a date, not watching your partner making out with another person...

When they went further, you stood up and-...

You woke up from the horrible nightmare.

You held your head, while searching for your phone.

It showed 4:59am... You didn't notice it, but you were crying.

"Gosh... I've met this guy once and I'm already crying my ass out..." you groaned.

It seemed like one of the girls noticed someone crying.

It was Kylie.

Slowly, she opened your door and she peeked inside.

"(y/n)? What's wrong?" she asked, stepping fully inside now.

"Uh... It was just a horrible nightmare... With Charlie..." you said and she sat on your bed.

"Tell me about it... Maybe it well calm you, and then you can go back to sleep..." she mumbled sleepy.

"Well, I dreamed, that we were at a bar, and remember; I am not the type of going to a bar, nor do I like to party. Okay, so... I was just drinking something and then I saw Charlie making out with a... slut... And I was crying... Then I stood up, and... That's the part where I woke up..." you told her and she nodded, you held your hands to your face, "God! I don't even know, why I am already crying about this... I just met this dude once! Of course I like him... But we aren't that close... Yet..." you said and she started embracing you.

"Don't worry... I don't think that he will do this to you... I'm pretty sure, he'll respect your way of living, and he will take you somewhere else..." she said rubbing your back in comfort.

"Thanks, Kylie... I love you..." you said and she nodded.

"Me and the other girls love you too..." she said standing up again.

"Well then, I better get back to sleep. You should sleep at least 3 or 4 hours also... You really deserve it... You've been working so hard on our album... So, good night..." she said and you waved at her and she closed the door.

It really helped, pouring out your feelings to Kylie.

You slept a few hours and then you woke up.

You stood up, looking in your closet for some new clothes.

'He said, I should dress up nicely... So what shall I wear...?' you asked yourself, looking through everything.

You picked out a (f/c) dress, that ended just in the middle of your thighs, and some (f/c) matching high heels.

"Okay, I think I can wear this, at this evening..." you mumbled to yourself, looking for the perfect accesoires and maybe a little bit make-up.

You spent the whole day with writing on this song, that was still stuck in your head.

The time finally came, and you got yourself ready with the clothing you picked out

Being ready, you waited for that car to park in front of your door again.

When you saw the car parking, you went outside.

Getting into the car, you saw that Jordon wasn't dressed up that badly.

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