Funny Man × Reader -Nice

316 6 7

This was requested by spacelixn!


Dylan's P.O.V.

I couldn't hold in my excitement, as the sight of our home got closer.

The guys obviously noticed that from time to time, my mood went up quickly when the name '(y/n)' was mentioned.

As I opened the door, our dog Mr. Bones jumped right on me and I hugged him tightly.

"AWWW! I HAVE MISSED YOU SO MUCH TOO!" I screamed and set him back down.

As I entered the house fully, I couldn't hear anything.

I was disappointedly closing the door while walking further into the house.

Still nothing from (y/n).

Man, I was hoping that she'd jump on me and surprise me with a weed cake. (#sadlife)

As I arrived in the kitchen, it was unexpectedly clean and everything was tidied.

Speaking of tidied and clean, the whole house was like that!

(y/n) did all of this!

She's so amazing!

Mr. Bones was still quietly following me, until I saw the bedroom door.

It was closed, but I heard something move in it.

As I opened, there was (y/n), her back was facing me and she stretched herself.

Seems like she fell asleep before I arrived here.

~Normal P.O.V.~

Everything was quiet, but suddenly Mr. Bones jumped onto the bed which made you shriek.

"Oh my god, Mr. Bones! You scared me! Haha!" it took you a few moments to realize that there was another person standing in the room.

As soon as you turned around, you screamed heavily.

"AAHH! OH MY GOD! YOU'RE BACK!" you yelled and hugged him instantly.

It didn't take you 10 seconds and the tears already streamed out.

"Finally...." you mumbled into his shirt.

He spun you around a few times, finally setting you down.

He cupped your face and kissed you.

"I'm back home, cariño..." (i'm sorry to every spanish speaking reader out there, i'm from germany, so please don't kill me, if i wrote this wrong or if it means anything other than "darling" or "love"...)

The two of you continued to hug until he stepped back.

He looked at you again.

"I missed your face so much..."

"I missed you too, my dear..." you said, drying your tears with your sweater.

"Come into the living room! I brought you some souvenirs!!" he grinned and you nodded, taking his hand and excitedly squeezing it.


"Hahaha! This is so cute!!" you laughed while looking into the mirror.

"Right?! I thought so too! I got it when we were in Amsterdam!!" he cracked a laugh.

You looked at yourself in the mirror, admiring how you looked like in the tshirt he brought you.

You changed back to your clothes from before.

"Hey, you up for a small walk with Mr. Bones?" he suddenly asked out of nowhere.

"Well that was sudden," you giggled "but okay!"

"Niiice..." he mumbled while grabbing the leash.

"Bones!" he yelled and he immediately came from the kitchen.

"Come here boy!" he said excitedly while crouching down to the ground, to point out that he should go to the leash.


His hand was so warm and big, you almost missed holding it.

You leaned your head against his shoulder, while squeezing it tightly.

He squeezed back, kissing your head.

"I missed holding your hand" he said and I looked at him.

"Me too... It's just like you're reading my mind..." you giggled.

He really missed your laugh and well... everything else about you.

"Let's get home, before it gets dark, shall we??" he asks and you nodded, calling after Mr. Bones so he could get to the leash.

As you arrived back at home, you made yourself something fast to eat and quickly went to bed, since so much happened at once today that you lost so much energy from all the hype.

When you laid down, you immediately clinged onto Dylan, as if your life depended on it.

You wanted to make sure, this wasn't a dream.

"Good night, I hope you sleep well..." you mumbled almost half asleep.

"I will for sure, since I'm finally resting on something comfortable and not a bunk bed... And I have you back beside me..." He lovingly said.

"Aww... I love you..."

"I love you too..."

And with that, the two of you fell asleep quietly and calmly.


Dylan woke up to someone missing by his side.

He missed the warmth you gave him.

As he stood up, he softly opened the door, only to be greeted by a delicious smell.

He entered the kitchen to see you, standing there, making his favorite breakfast; eggs and bacon.

His arms snuck around your neck as he placed his lips against your head.

"Good morning darling" you muffled into his arms, trying to hold your cooking spoon in the right place.

"Get to the dining table, I already set it, you just have to wait until the food is finished..." you said and he nodded.

He couldn't help, but stare at you with love as you brought the finished food onto his plate.

"Eat up!!" you clapped and sat down, grasping for your mug, that was filled with coffee/tea/milk/anything you drink out of a mug/tears mixed with blood (okay i'm sorry).

He dug in and complimented your cooking skills, but immediately added that you are an amazing person yourself and that he's so glad to have you.

"You know, all of the band members are married... And we're not... I thought that maybe you wanted to do so??" he asked and the liquid you held in your mouth, streamed back into the cup.

"Uhm... YES! WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT??!" you yelled at him and he laughed.

"But I don't have an ring yet... And that was pretty lazy, I will propose to you in the future more properly... Even though we don't even need to have a wedding, cause I know that we're gonna be together forever!!" he stated and you laughed while playfully punching his arm.

"You're a dork"

"But I'm your dork"


sorry for taking so long to update, i hope you still enjoyed this sloppily written oneshot!!~🐨💜✨

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